Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11: the Venerable Martyr William Carter

Today marks the feast day and anniversary of the death of the Venerable William Carter (1548-1584). Born in London, William was persecuted for treason against the Queen for his Catholic beliefs, was found guilty, and hanged, drawn, and quartered at the infamous Tyburn gallows.

A printer’s apprentice, and eventually the master of his own printing shop, William continued to print and reprint Catholic literature, despite the prohibition to do so at that time. He was eventually arrested for printing “lewd” pamphlets (i.e., Catholic pamphlets), and being in possession of books on the subject. Among the Catholic books printed, William produced over 1000 copies of Dr. Gregory Martin’s “A Treaty on Schism,” which contained one paragraph claiming the eventual victory of Catholicism, and which allegedly incited Catholics to violence and potential overthrow of the reigning queen, Elizabeth I.

Through multiple arrests, torture, the death of his family, and near-constant suffering, William Carter refused to renounce his faith or deny his beliefs. He is said to have calmly placed his trust in the Lord, even on the gallows where he made his final confession to a priest being executed beside him.

Are we so sure of our faith? Are we willing to suffer for our beliefs—whether it be mockery, discomfort, or making tough decisions? What are we willing to sacrifice for our faith, our Lord? We look to the Venerable martyr William Carter for inspiration, to never lose faith, to stand boldly, and place our confidence in the Lord. Today we pray for those whose confidence has been shaken. I also will continue my Novena to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Lastly, requested intentions today include those who are preparing for surgery.

Day 11 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Those whose confidence in the Lord has been shaken
Requested Intentions: Those preparing for surgery (L)
Special Intentions: Those trying to conceive or adopt; Those who are pregnant or expecting children; New parents; Those who have experienced miscarriage or pregnancy complications

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