Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13: St. Hilary of Poiters

Today, January 13, marks the memorial of Saint Hilary of Poiters (A.D. 368), Church bishop and doctor. Known as a staunch defender of the faith, Saint Hilary suffered persecution and exile for asserting the truth of the divinity of Jesus. At that time, the early church was undergoing attack from outside, but also from within in the form of heresy. Even church leaders asserted mistruths about the faith in efforts to justify allegiances to powerful governments or lapses in their own lives. Saint Hilary orthodoxy and public defense of the faith led to exile on the coast of then, Phyrgia (now Turkey). While in exile he penned a 12 volume set of books devoted to exploration of the divinity of Christ and the Holy Trinity.

Throughout his life, in the midst of strife, Saint Hilary fought to speak and write the truth. He facilitated meetings and discussions amongst the various rifts in the church at the time, counseling patience and understanding, while never compromising the tenets of the faith. A favorite motto of St. Hilary was, Ministros veritatis decet vera proferre, "Servants of the truth ought speak the truth."

Speaking the truth is rarely easy when it comes to our Christian beliefs. Many would choose not to hear it, which oftentimes makes us reluctant—whether we are afraid of argument, condemntation, mockery, or just seeming foolish. How often do we discount, deny, or modify the truth of Christ to be more accepted in today’s society? Saint Hilary stands as an example to us—he lost his home, his family (he was bishop prior to church doctrine on celibacy of priests and bishops), his freedom because he refused to back down from preaching the truth of the Gospel. Today, I continue to pray for those who are fearful and afraid, as well as the courage to be truthful.

Today is the fourth day of my Novena to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, for the intentions of those trying to conceive or adopt, who are pregnant or expecting children, new parents, and those who have experienced miscarriage or pregnancy complications.

Requested prayers today include recovery for a friend suffering from cancer (D), safe recovery for those undergoing surgery (L), and for the success of the Rosaries for Bishops campaign (S).

Day 13 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Those who live in fear; The times when we are afraid; The courage to be truthful
Prayer Requests: Friend suffering with cancer (D); Success of the Rosaries for Bishops campaign; Recovery from illness (L)
Special Intentions: Those trying to conceive or adopt; Those who are pregnant or expecting children; New parents; Those who have experienced miscarriage or pregnancy complications

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