Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Lady of Lourdes: The Seventh Apparition

Today, February 23, marks the anniversary of the seventh apparition of Our Blessed Mother to Saint Bernadette Soubirous at the grotto in Lourdes. Beginning on February 11, 1858, The Blessed Virgin appeared to Bernadette Soubirous a total of 18 times bringing a message of prayer, penance, poverty, and participation. Through these posts, we continue our journey with Saint Bernadette as we encounter Our Blessed Mother through her eyes, memories, and words. The previous six visitations (February 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, and 21) were greeted by disbelief from Bernadette’s family, friends, local authorities, and local religious. Despite overwhelming pressure to recant her story and stop visiting the grotto as Masabielle, Bernadette’s simple and deep faith continued to draw her back to the loving and peaceful smile of Our Lady of Lourdes. Even threats of imprisonment could not prevent it!

Despite her hours of interrogation by the local police commissioner following the sixth apparition on February 21, and the fact that the Blessed Virgin did not appear on the 22nd, Bernadette returned to the grotto on the morning of February 23. It is estimated that a crowd of approximately 250 followed her, watching, and hoping to experience what she claimed to see. Among them were local church authorities.

Like previous appearances, Our Lady of Lourdes appeared to Bernadette, smiling and praying with her. Onlookers reported seeing the enraptured Bernadette speak, and pause as if listening to someone else speak. Later, Bernadette would reveal that the Blessed Mother shared three secrets with her, much as she has done with other visionaries (such as the children at Fatima). Saint Bernadette never revealed these secrets, carrying them with her to her reunion with the Blessed Mother and Jesus in heaven.

During the seven first apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes, Saint Bernadette generally has a face radiant with joy, happiness and light, although there are moments of tears. Between the eighth and twelfth apparitions, this changes dramatically- the face of Bernadette becomes hard, sad and sorrowful. And to the observers, her actions are those of someone quite out of their mind. As we continue this journey of reflection on the apparitions at Lourdes, we will see that even the most incomprehensible actions to the human mind have deep meaning to God. The visions at Lourdes, through the messenger of the Blessed Virgin, communicate the Lord’s deep love and sacrifice for each of us, and place us at the center of the message of Lourdes.

Saint Bernadette, you have long sought the Lord where he called you to.
You asked.
You listened.
You trusted.
You were sure the Lord would guide you.
You surrendered yourself completely in the hands of God.

Like Mary, you were confident in the Lord.
Bernadette, inspire me in the same confidence, the same generosity, and the same patience.

Lord, enlighten me on my path and give me the strength to say “yes” when I hear your call.

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