Friday, May 28, 2010

Marian Poetry: The Silence of Mary

We continue our celebration of Mary’s month of May with a poem written by Alice Claire Mansfield entitled, “The Silence of Mary.” We are reminded in reading this poem of the special devotion that Our Blessed Mother had to the Lord and to her Son. We are reminded of her unique role in the world, and how her never-to-be-repeated or replicated chosen status set her apart from others. We are reminded of her deep contemplative connection with the Lord—which grew out of obedience, faith, hope, and love—that allowed her to fulfill her mission and bring the redeemer of the world to life. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now and always that we may enter into that silence of yours which unites us to Jesus!

Silence of Mary

Holy Mary, Mother of God, you who treasured all things and pondered them carefully in your heart, teach us that deep, interior silence which enfolded you throughout your lifetime –
· the silence of the Annunciation, of faith, mission and obedience;
· the silence of the Visitation, of humility, service and praise;
· the silence of Bethlehem, of birth, incarnation and wonder;
· the silence of the flight into Egypt, of perseverance, hope and trust;
· the silence of Nazareth, of simplicity, intimacy and communion;
· the silence of Mt. Calvary, of courage, death and abandonment;
· the silence of Easter, of resurrection, jubilation and glory;
· the silence of Ascension, of fulfillment, transformation and new creation;
· the silence of Pentecost, of peace, power and love.
Mary, in your wisdom, teach us that silence which enables us to listen to the small, still voice of our God; which compels us to worship Him alone in spirit and in truth; which empowers us to acknowledge our nothingness and exult confidently in our Savior; which frees us to lose ourselves in unceasing adoration of the God who is Infinite Love.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now and always, that we may enter into that silence of yours which unites us to Jesus, your Son, in the mystery of His silence before the Father of mercies. Amen.

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