Saturday, June 5, 2010

Half-Way to the Goal: 500 Rosaries Constructed!

If you follow the blog, you likely already know that one of the goals of my year of prayer was to construct 1000 Holy Rosaries to be supplied to missionaries and military personnel deployed overseas. I have been blessed to have the time and opportunity to work towards this goal, and further blessed by the assistance of friends during the process. To date, I am half-way towards achieving my goal: 500 Rosaries have been constructed, individually bagged, and sent to Rosaries for the World Program (who will distribute them to missions and troops in need of religious aids).

Here are some pictures of some of the finished Rosaries. Over time, the styles and colors have evolved and expanded, allowing a seemingly unending variety of Rosaries. I ask for your prayers that these holy beads increase devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, throughout the world!

Rosaries for the military

Rosaries for missions in a variety of colors and styles!

Individually bagged and ready to ship!

If you would like to assist with my Rosary Construction Project, I would be greatly appreciative. It costs a little more than $1 per Rosary, and while I have reached the 50% mark in construction, I have only reached the 30% mark in monetary donations. No donation is too small, and all are appreciated (To make a secure donation via PayPal, click on the “Donate” button on the left-hand sidebar). Given the economy, I know that many are currently struggling, and that monetary donations might not be possible. I humbly ask, in that case, for your continued donation of prayers and encouragement during this, my year of prayer.

A few general announcements:

Don’t forget, you can subscribe to ‘a year in prayer: 365 Rosaries’ and have it delivered to your email address of choice every day. To do so, click here.

Also, if you are a member of the facebook online community, you can become a fan of ‘a year in prayer: 365 Rosaries’ by visiting us here.

And as always, I welcome all my readers to continue submitting prayer requests. It is both a joy and a privilege to lift your intentions during my daily prayers. I also very much appreciate your emails and updates on those prayer requests I have been privileged to be a part of.

To submit a prayer request, click here.
If you would like to contact me be email, please feel free to write to

Thank you all, and God bless you!

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