Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10: Saint Francis Borgia

Today, October 10, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Francis Borgia (1510-1572), the “Second Founder of the Society of Jesus” (the Jesuits). A man of great wealth, privilege, and nobility, Saint Francis felt called to give up his earthly power to serve the Divine Master. His sacrifice and humility, as well as his far-reaching vision and steadfast endurance as a soldier of the Lord continue to inspire us today.

Francis Borgia, named for Saint Francis of Assisi, was born in Valencia, Spain, the product of royal lineage. The oldest son of the third duke of Gandía, Francis’ great grandfather on his father's side was Pope Alexander VI, and his mother's grandfather was King Ferdinand the Catholic. His mother died when he was 10 years old, and from that time on, as was the custom of the times, he was placed under the tutelage of his uncle, the Archbishop of Saragossa.

As he was destined to become a great leader of the nation, he was soon summoned to court, where he served as a page to his cousin Catherine, the sister of Emperor Charles V. While at court, he remained devoutly Christian, modest and virtuous. His noble and beautiful appearance soon brought upon him many temptations—including gambling and promiscuity—all of which he avoided through rigorous regimes of prayer and study. He wore a hair shirt and devoted himself to penance. The Empress arranged for him to marry Eleanor de Castro of Portugal, who like himself was very pious. They were blessed with eight children, five sons and three daughters, who continued to practice the virtue of their parents.

Eventually, as was his birthright, Francis became the Duke of Gandia—one of the most richest and honored noblemen in Spain. However, upon the death of Empress Isabella, Francis had a change of heart, and was converted fully to Christ. While he gazed upon her mortal remains at the burial grounds of Grenada, he was overcome to find the formerly beautiful empress unrecognizable. From that moment on, he vowed never to again serve an earthly master, and instead turned all of his energy to the Lord.

His calling would be delayed, however, as the emperor named him Captain-General of a force of troops, and sent him to bring a band of ruffians to justice. The poor found in him strong protection against oppression. Vices were banished by his ordinances; he endowed poor girls and assisted families ruined by misery and reversals; he delivered debtors from prisons by paying what they owed. He was in effect the very Christian Viceroy of the Emperor.

Following the death of his father, Francis was relieved of this duty when he asked the Emperor for permission to return and govern his subjects at Gandia. There he continued his good works, building hospitals and monasteries, and helping the poor in every possible way he could. During these happy times, without warning, his dear wife, Eleanor, died. He felt called by the Lord, realizing that this loss was for both his and her own advantage, and amid his tears he offered his own life and that of his children, if that would please God.

Following his wife’s death, Francis did something that astonished all the nobles of Spain: he gave up his Dukedom to his son Charles and became a Jesuit priest. Familiar with the Jesuits, whom he had assisted in building a monastery in Gandia, Saint Francis felt drawn to their discipline and lifestyle. After making a retreat according to the Exercises of Saint Ignatius, he made the vows of a Jesuit privately until he could see to the establishment of his children. Saint Ignatius advised him to ask the Emperor’s permission. Since Charles V was in the Netherlands, Francis addressed a letter to him there. The Emperor replied with these words:

“I am very sorry to lose the company of a man of your merit, a shining light of counsel, a model in the exercise of the highest offices of State, and, because of your virtue and piety, a factor of edification for all my court. But I recognize that it would be unreasonable to dispute over you with the Master you have chosen to serve. It is, therefore, with sorrow that I grant you the permission you are requesting. I authorize you to renounce your fiefs and titles in favor of your firstborn son.

The number of those who will envy you will be greater than those who will imitate you, since it is easy to admire beautiful examples, but difficult to follow them. I recommend myself to your prayers and I count upon you to attract divine blessings over me, my States, and all Christendom.”

The emperor permitted his taking the robe, and Francis became a Jesuit priest. So many people came to his first Mass that they had to set up an altar outdoors, but his Superior tested him by treating him in exactly the opposite way he had been used to all his forty-one years of life. He who had once been a Duke had to help the cook, carrying wood for the fire and sweeping the kitchen. When he served food to the priests and brothers, he had to kneel down in front of them all and beg them to forgive him for being so clumsy! Still he never once complained or grumbled. The only time he became angry was when anyone treated him with respect as if he was still a Duke. Once a doctor who had to take care of a painful wound Francis had gotten said to him: "I am afraid, my lord, that I have to hurt your grace." The saint answered that he would not hurt him more than he was right then by calling him "my lord" and "your grace."

Saint Ignatius of Loyola made him his Vicar General for Spain, Portugal, and the East Indies, and there was scarcely a city of Spain and Portugal where he did not establish colleges or houses of the Company of Jesus. At the death of Saint Ignatius two years later, the Order chose him to be its General. From that moment on, he never stopped traveling, visiting the houses and chapters throughout the world, and expanding the Order. Concerned that Jesuits were in danger of getting too involved in their work at the expense of their spiritual growth, he introduced their daily hour-long meditation. He established disciplined novitiates in every Jesuit province, writing regulations and books of spiritual instruction for them. His changes and revitalization of the Society led to him being sometimes called the “Second Founder of the Society of Jesus.”

Francis created a new Jesuit base in Poland and strengthened the community’s work in Germany and France. Between 1566 and 1572 he launched the Jesuit mission to Spanish colonies in Florida, Mexico, and Peru. He maintained contact with the missioners by letter, advising them about their own spiritual lives and counseling them on strategy. The following is an excerpt from his correspondence:

“We must perform all our works in God and refer them to his glory so that they will be permanent and stable. Everyone—whether kings, nobles, tradesmen or peasants—must do all things for the glory of God and under the inspiration of Christ’s example. . . . When you pray, hear Mass, sit at table, engage in business and when at bedtime you remove your clothes—at all times crave that by the pain which he felt when he was stripped just before his crucifixion, he may strip us of our evil habits of mind. Thus, naked of earthly things, we may also embrace the cross.

Wherever our brethren may be, let their first care be for those already converted. Their first aim must be to strengthen these in the faith and to help them save their souls. After this they may convert others not yet baptized. But let them proceed prudently and not undertake more than they can carry through. It is not desirable for them to hurry here and there to convert heathen with whom they cannot afterwards keep in touch. It is better to advance step by step and consolidate conquests already made. . . . They are not to risk their lives unnecessarily in excursions among unconquered people. The swift loss of life in God’s service may be advantageous for them. However, it is not for the greater good of the many for there are only a few laborers for the vineyard and it is difficult to replace them.”

In 1571 the pope sent Francis to Spain and Portugal to help build an alliance against the Turks. He grew increasingly ill on this embassy and died after returning to Rome in 1572. The silver shrine containing the remains of his remains, after various vicissitudes, was translated, in 1901, to the church of the Society at Madrid, where it is honored at the present time.

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory,
my understanding, and my entire will.
All I have and call my own.
Whatever I have or hold, you have given me.
I return it all to you and surrender it wholly
to be governed by your will.
Give me only your love and your grace
and I am rich enough and ask for nothing more.

Day 283 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Hearts of Charity; Lives of Repentance and Reformation.
Requested Intentions: Successful outcome of court case and employment (L); For guidance and righteous love (K); Restoration of a relationship (H); For successful employment (I); For a daughter’s successful relationship (M); For a relationship sanctified by God (M); For health of father; For canonization of Pope John Paul II (A); For the conversion of a family (L); For the ill (A); For the health of a family (I); For a father’s successful surgery and recovery (G); For those who are ill, and their caretakers (D); For the safety of a sister who is traveling (A); Recovery of mother with cancer (R); Successful acquisition of a visa (T); Restoration of a marriage (A); For employment and health of mother (G); Successful employment (M); Restoration of a family, End to brother's addiction, Successful marriage (R); Employment (I); Successful recovery of a mother; for all stroke victims (D); Successful return to the faith (A); Emotional, physical, and financial healing (D); Diagnosis and recovery (A); For a successful relationship (J); Those suffering from depression (J); Successful adoption (S); Healing of a father battling cancer (S).

1 comment:

  1. that there will be peace in Ivory coast and that the Theologate of Jesuits will be under the protection of ST. FRANCIS bORGIA


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