Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1: Saint Edmund Campion

“As to the treasons which have been laid to my charge, and for which I come here to suffer, I desire you all to bear witness with me that I am thereto altogether innocent. I am a Catholic man and a priest; in that Faith I have lived, and in that Faith do I intend to die. If you esteem my Religion treason, then I am guilty; as for the other treason, I never committed any, God is my judge.”

Today, December 1st, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Edmund Campion (1540-1581), Jesuit priest and English martyr. Saint Edmund sacrificed all he had—including his life—to enter the Catholic priesthood and minister to those greatly in need during the time of English persecution of the Church. Declining an offer to serve Queen Elizabeth, as well as an appointment at Oxford University, Saint Edmund demonstrates to us that the call of God comes first, takes precedence over the riches and glories of our earthly lives.

Edmund was born in London to a family of merchants. Academically gifted, he drew recognition early on for his intellect, and received a grant to finance his education at Saint John’s College in Oxford. Eventually, upon completing his degree, Edmund became a renowned lecturer in Rhetoric, drawing crowds whenever he spoke. One admirer was Queen Elizabeth, who had the opportunity to hear him speak while visiting the University. Impressed by his lecture on the natural sciences (which he delivered in Latin), she offered him Royal patronage and pressed him to enter into her service. However, he declined, and later was determined to have been ineligible for such a post, due to his belief in “old religion.”

Rather than face persecution at home, the college offered him a traveling scholarship, and sent him to Dublin, where he taught and wrote his first book, “The History of Ireland.” He returned briefly to England, but was quickly transferred to the English College in Douai, Belgium, as links to Catholicism were being considered treason in England at that time. From Belgium, at the age of 33, Edmund walked to Rome, where he was accepted into the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, as a novice. For six years he studied for the priesthood, and was ordained in Prague at the age of 39.

Saint Edmund spent the next several years traveling throughout Europe, coming to be known for his eloquence in both preaching and writing. His desire, however, was to return to England to serve those Catholics who were practicing the faith in secret. Receiving approval, he prepared to return to London. On the night prior to his departure, a brother wrote this prophetic inscription above his door: “P. Edmundus Campianus Martyr.”

Edmund returned to England in disguise, dressed as a diamond merchant. Port authorities were suspicious, but Saint Edmund answered their questions adequately and they let him enter. In London, he began visiting Catholics imprisoned or in hiding, preaching, celebrating secret Masses, and delivering the Sacraments. His eloquence ensured that soon it was known that ‘Campion the Jesuit’ was at large in the shires. He also penned what is known today as “Campion’s Brag,” which details the goal of the mission to England in religious, not political, terms. Saint Edmund further employed Saint Nicholas Owen to build a hiding place within his home, and instructed him in the Jesuit tradition.

As he continued his work, fines were increased, and informants were paid large sums of money to report and identify those associated with the Church. The crime of practicing Catholicism was raised to “high treason.” However, Saint Edmund was full of the courage of the Lord, and continued traveling throughout Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire and Lancashire preaching more openly and to larger audiences. He further wrote his most famous book, “Ten Reasons,” which detailed arguments to prove the truth of Catholicism and the falsity of Protestantism. Once it was printed, copies were left on the benches of Oxford's University Church of Saint Mary. Saint Edmund was remembered, and the books were eagerly read. However, the bounty on his head was also increased, given his brash preaching.

Eventually, Saint Edmund was turned into the police by a government informant. He was discovered hiding in a priesthole (probably built by Saint Nicholas Owen) in a family home in Berkshire. He was led by cart to London, accompanied by sympathetic crowds who jeered his captors. Saint Edmund remained cheerful, preaching, and encouraging the crowd in their faith. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he was initially well-treated, hoping that he would recant his faith and embrace the Anglican Church.

Of course, recognizing the Catholic Church as the one, true faith, Saint Edmund refused all offers—including those that would give him wealth and power—and was subsequently tortured on the rack. Unwilling to name accomplices or identify other practicing priests, he was tortured mercilessly for two weeks. The English government spread rumors that he had betrayed those he refused to name, but even this did not sway public opinion. He underwent public trial in Westminster along with several other imprisoned priests. At his trial six, Saint Edmund was ordered to raise his right hand and take an oath, but was unable to do so due to injuries sustained in his torture. After one of the other priests raised it for him, Saint Edmund attempted to defend all the priests by pointing out their motives were religious, not political (similar to what he had written in “Campion’s Brag”). However, in the end, they were all found guilty of high treason and condemned to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Upon hearing the verdict, the priests sang the Te Deum.

On December first, Saint Edmund was dragged through the rainy and muddy roads of London to Tyburn, where a large crowd had gathered. He refused the prayers of an Anglican priest, appointed to pray over those who were sentenced to death, preferring to pray (in Latin) by himself. After forgiving those who had convicted and betrayed him, Saint Edmund was martyred.

From his biography, written by Evelyn Waugh:

“Campion stood in prayer. The lords of the Council still shouted up questions to him about the Bull of Excommunication [Pope Pius V's excommunication of Queen Elizabeth I], but now Campion would not answer and stood with his head bowed and his hands folded on his breast. An Anglican clergyman attempted to direct his prayers, but he answered gently, "Sir, you and I are not one in religion, wherefore I pray you content yourself. I bar none of prayer; but I only desire them that are of the household of faith to pray with me, and in mine agony to say one creed."

They called to him to pray in English, but he replied with great mildness that ‘he would pray to God in a language which they both well understood.’”

Saint Edmund Campion’s life was one of choices. He chose to give up the promises of wealth, power, and fame to enter a life of service to the Lord. He chose to return to England, in danger of his life, to preach the one, true faith. He chose to remain loyal to his friends and brothers in Christ, and to the faith, under penalty of death. Contemplating the life of this holy and courageous man, we are reminded of the choices that we make, in our every day lives. How often do we take the easy way out? What choices have we made that place our own wants and desires before those of the Lord?

Saint Edmund Campion, martyr for the Roman Primacy, obtain for us, but especially for the Church's bishops and priests, such obedient loyalty to the Vicar of Christ that like you, they will not be afraid to proclaim the truth and like you, they will be willing to shed their blood for Jesus Christ. Amen.

Day 335 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Courageous lives of faith centered on the Lord.
Requested Intentions: Successful passing of examination; Employment for Son (J); Healing of a family and son (S); Successful marriage (G); End to husband’s addictions; Son’s employment (M); Freedom from financial burdens (M); Healing after a miscarriage (E); For healing of friend; successful resolution of legal matter (A); For unity between estranged friends (E); For a son, falsely arrested (C); Successful employment (J); Successful employment (L); For a healthy child (L); Recovery from stomach illness of a friend (A); Employment and financial security (E); Conversion of sons (L); Freedom from financial stress, employment (C); Spiritual growth and family peace (A); Freedom to immigrate (D); End to debt (N); Restoration of a marriage (J); Complete recovery of son (P); Recovery of parish priest, health of mother, conversion of son (J); Successful employment, end to depression (J); Successful immigration and employment (S); Conversion of an unloving daughter (M); Recovery of husband, health of mother, economic freedom (R); Freedom from depression, restoration of family relationships (N); Restoration of a relationship (J); Healing of friends from cancer (J); Complete healing of a friend with pancreatic cancer (J); Healing of a father following stroke (S).

1 comment:

  1. I love Saint Edmund Campion i chose him for my confirmation name!!!


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