Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16: Blessed Honoratus Kozminski

Today, December 16, we celebrate the feast day of Blessed Honoratus Kozminski (1829-1916), preacher, confessor, and comforter of prisoners. Brother Honoratus is a model of courage, faith, and obedience.

Born Wencesalo Kozminski in Biala Podlaska, Poland, this holy man was raised in a Christian family. Not especially pious, Wencesalo was at first educated at home, later completed his primary schooling in Plock, and then traveled to Warsaw where he attended the College of Fine Arts in pursuit of an architecture degree. Influenced by political events of the time, Wencesalo experienced a “crisis of faith,” during which time he left the Church. Shortly thereafter, he was arrested and jailed on suspicion of rebellious political affiliations. During his nearly one year of imprisonment, he contracted Typhus, and was unlikely to survive. It was in captivity, sick with fever, that Wencesalo turned back to the Lord.

Upon release from jail, he entered the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin in Warsaw, completing his novitiate in Lubartow, and taking the name Honoratus. Ordained a priest, he dedicated himself to an intense pastoral care and founded over 26 religious institutes, 18 of which exist today. He preached devotion to Our Blessed Mother to all who would listen, especially as the Polish church attempted to separate from Rome.

Brother Honoratus fought against the power that he wanted to pull the Tsarist Polish church from Rome. His order was banned from the country, but he continued to act as the commissioner general of the Capuchins. Honoratus continued to train novices, spread the Gospel, teach Christian values and virtues, and practice the rules of the Third Order. He formed many congregations and institutes, most of which lived according to the rules of the Order, but without living in monasteries or wearing the habit. This “underground” community found their faith in ordinary life, hidden from the authorities, but very much alive in the spirit of Christ!

In 1906, various local bishops sought the reorganization of the 26 congregations founded by Brother Honoratus, having received papal approval, under their authority. Honoratus eloquently defended their independence, but was removed from their direction in 1908. Rather than complain, he promptly urged the members of these congregations to obey the Church’s decisions regarding their future. He said: “Christ’s Vicar himself has revealed God’s will to us, and I carry out this order with greatest faith.... Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that you are being given the opportunity to show heroic obedience to the holy Church.”

A prolific writer and spiritual director, Brother Honoratus was sought out in the confessional. He spent hours each day hearing confessions until his health prevented him from continuing this practice, and hand wrote over 4,000 letters to those he directed, offering spiritual guidance and encouragement. These letters are preserved in the archives of Warsaw, along with numerous sermons, a spiritual diary, and the “encyclopedia of Mary” he penned.

Blessed Honoratus died in Nowe Miasto in 1916, where his body rests. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in October 1988. In briefly reviewing his life, we find in Brother Honoratus a man caught up in political struggles—many of which endangered his life. When confronted with an obstacle to practicing his faith, he found another way to live and preach the Christian life. When the world handed him disheartening news, he reacted with joy in obedience. In this holy man, we find a indomitable spirit of perseverance and love for the Lord—a message we could all take a lesson from!

A Prayer for the Virtue of Obedience

Jesus, Almighty King of kings, You Who obeyed Your Father to the end, Teach me the meaning of obedience. My soul burns to comply to Your Will, Striving to charm Your Divinity. While my worldly nature seeks one way, My spiritual nature seeks another. Bless me with the strength to obey, That my soul may subdue both natures, Blending them as a fair aromatic bloom. I always seek favour in Your eyes, To always obey You until my last breath!

Day 350 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Obedience; Perseverance.
Requested Intentions: Health and spirituality of family members (R); For a return to health for a friend (C); Healing from cancer of a brother-in-law (C); Healthy relationship; Joy in everyday life (J); Successful employment and financial assistance for education (M); For the return home of father and husband suffering from mental illness (C); Successful passing of examination; Employment for Son (J); Healing of a family and son (S); Successful marriage (G); End to husband’s addictions; Son’s employment (M); Freedom from financial burdens (M); Healing after a miscarriage (E); For healing of friend; successful resolution of legal matter (A); Complete healing of a friend with pancreatic cancer (J); Healing of a father following stroke (S).

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