Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our Lady of Beauraing: The Apparitions Continue

Today, December 8, marks the anniversary of the appearance of Our Blessed Mother to five children in Beauraing, Belgium in 1932. Our Lady of Beauraing, also known as the “Virgin of the Golden Heart,” had appeared to Fernande, Gilberte, and Albert Voisins and Andree and Gilberte Degeimbres the over the previous weeks, beginning on November 29. On that day, the children saw a “beautiful lady” walking through the air above a railroad bridge. Dressed in a flowing white gown, the lady emanated a radiant glow, and smiled at them as she approached. She was observed to be praying, never spoke, and simply gazed upon them with beautiful blue eyes.

Following the apparition, the nuns at the convent, the children’s parents, and even their friends had scolded them and teased them. But the children maintained their story, and over the next several nights, witnessed the same apparition of Our Blessed Mother. On December 2, the children, bravely, asked her name, and she confirmed that she was Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Our lady encouraged the children to return and spend the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with her, on December 8.

Over the days between December 2 and 8, Our Virgin of the Golden Heart continued to appear nightly to the children, in the convent garden, hovering over a hawthorn tree. She smiled gently at them, prayed, and they were transfixed by her beauty. During those apparitions, Our Blessed Mother confirmed that the children were to come to the garden on her feast at night.

The children did as they were told, arriving at the convent garden on the evening of December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Of course, by now, word had spread of the rumored apparitions, and a crowd of 15,000 people accompanied them, including their parents, the convent nuns, family physicians hired to test the children during their alleged apparitions, and individuals hoping to be healed of various maladies.

As the crowd watched, the children knelt and prayed the Rosary, becoming “transfixed” and immovable, although no one else could see the Blessed Virgin. Their eyes locked and a look of peace and serenity overtook them.

Meanwhile, the family physicians present, Doctors Maistriaux, Lurquin and others, engaged in a series of tests to determine physiological reactions. They pinched, slapped, pricked the fingers of the children, and shone flashlights in their eyes. Receiving no response, Doctor Lurquin held a lit match beneath Gilberte Voisin’s left hand. Still there was no response until after the apparition ended. Remarkably, at that time, it was observed that there was no sign of injury to any of the children. They remained in ecstasy for nearly 15 minutes, at which time they Blessed Virgin departed as in past visions.

When the vision concluded, one of the children explained, "I could see nothing, neither fence, nor tree, nor crowd; only the Holy Virgin who smiled at us."

Another said laughingly, "Just think Daddy, they tried to make me believe they had pricked and burned me."

Still another, "She was more beautiful than ever!"

Following the evening of the 8th, the local bishop, remaining prudent and doubtful, ordered his priests not to visit the site.

Our Lady would return to the children thirty-three times over the next 10 weeks, bringing with her a message of peace, penance, and prayer for the conversion of sinners. Our Blessed Mother graced us with her golden heart, encouraging us to sacrifice ourselves for the Lord, and for the salvation of the world. We pray today, in the words of Our Mother, to find the strength and virtue “to be good” in the eyes of the Lord.

Our Lady of Beauraing, Immaculate Virgin, bring to Jesus, your Son, all the intentions that we entrust to you today. Mother of the Golden Heart, reflection of the Father's tenderness, look upon the men and women of our time with love and fill them with the joy of your presence. You, who promised to convert sinners, help us discover the infinite mercy of our God. Awaken within us the grace of conversion so that our lives may be a reflection of that mercy. Make every moment of our existence "a yes" to the question you ask today: "Do you love my Son? Do you love me?" Then the kingdom of Jesus will come to the world. Amen.

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