Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10: Saint Scholastica

Today, February 10, also marks the feast day of Saint Scholastica (born 480, deceased 582)—virgin of the church, and twin brother to Saint Benedict. Saint Scholastica’s life is a testament to her deep love of the Lord, commitment to serving Him through serving others, and her respect and care for her brother.

For more on the life and history of Saint Scholastica, see my previous post here.

We pray today that Saint Scholastica will intercede for us, and that through her intercession we may respect and honor those we love in the spirit of Christ.

Loving and caring God of the Universe,
we praise and thank You for the gift of life.
Through the prayer of Saint Scholastica,
woman of all time,
may we cherish our relationships.

Help us to be attentive to our own needs
and the needs of others.
Show us new ways of showing respect
for each person.

Bless us with your Spirit of wise choices
through your son, Jesus, the Christ.

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