Friday, February 25, 2011

February 25: Saint Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople

You appeared to your flock as a rule of faith,

An image of humility and a teacher of abstinence.
Because of your lowliness, Heaven was opened to you.
Because of your poverty, riches were granted to you.
O holy bishop, Tarasius, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!

You shone forth as a light of the Spirit,
Adorned with an exemplary life and clothed in hierarchical vesture.
You stilled the turbulence of heresy
And became a pillar and foundation of the Church,
Which praises your struggles, holy Father Tarasius.

You illumined the Church with Orthodox doctrine
and taught all to venerate and honor the precious image of Christ.
You vanquished the godless doctrine of the iconoclasts.
Therefore we cry to you:
"Rejoice, wise Father Tarasius."

Today, February 25, we celebrate the feast of Saint Tarasius (750-806 ), bishop, and Patriarch of Constantinople. Saint Tarasius led a life of service and charity, courageously confronting injustices and defending the faith against powerful rulers—oftentimes at risk to himself. His orthodoxy, coupled with his charitable nature, thoughtfulness, and fair-mindedness, allowed him to successfully lead the church at Constantinople for almost twenty-five years.

Tarasius was born in Constantinople to a noble family. Educated by his mother, he displayed an aptitude for study and embodied the Christian virtues from an early age. He was soon recognized and admired by all he encountered, and quickly rose through the public service and political ranks of the time. Appointed Secretary of State to Emperor Constantine IV and the Empress Irene. Despite his achievements and presence at the opulent court of Constantine, Tarasius lived an austere life of penance and prayer, similar to that of an Eastern monk.

In time, Tarasius was unanimously chosen by the court to ascend to the position of Patriarch of Constantinople. This position was responsible for leading and governing the See of Constantinople. Tarasius, for his part, declined the position, as he could not accept governance of a see that had been cut off from the Catholic Church. He persuaded the emperor to allow him to convene a general council to address the practices that separated Constantinople from the Church, specifically a dispute concerning icons and holy images. Receiving permission, he accepted the position of Patriarch, and was consecrated on Christmas Day.

The Council, which initially took place in 786 in Constantinople was disrupted by violence, and adjourned to the following year in Nicea. There, the Council declared the approval of holy images and icons, which was later approved by the Pope, re-establishing ties between the See of Constantinople and the Church.

Having renewed relations and accountability, Tarasius undertook significant reform within the see, which influenced the Eastern Church. He was a model of perfection and penance for his clergy, and through his model, reform was quickly established. He slept little, ate even less, and spent his days praying and engaged in charitable activities. It is said that he visited every home in Constantinople personally, distributing alms, and caring for the needs of those he encountered.

Saint Tarasius often found himself in the difficult position of disagreeing with the emperor, and defending both the Church and Christian virtues. When the emperor sought to re-marry, he pressured Tarasius to approve the marriage. Saint Tarasius, for his part, refused repeatedly, ending up in prison for his defense of the faith. Tarasius was only released upon the emperor’s death.

Saint Tarasius continued to lead the Church for twenty-two years, prior to his death in 806. Holy legend tells us that shortly Before his death, devils examined his life from the time of his youth, attempting to get the saint to admit to sins that he had not committed. "I am innocent of that of which you accuse me," replied Saint Tarasius, "and you falsely slander me. You have no power over me at all."

The relics of Saint Tarasius were buried in a monastery he built on the Bosphorus. There, they are venerated today. Many miracles have been reported at his tomb.

Saint Tarasius lived a life of prayer, penance, and service, despite opportunity to acquire great wealth, power, and luxury. He resolutely defended and upheld the tenets of our faith, despite personal persecution and imprisonment. Throughout all, he demonstrated strength of character, humility, and virtue, caring for those in need, and placing the Lord before all things. Saint Tarasius, pray for us!

Saint Tarasius, we pray that we might have the strength and humility to live our lives for our Creator and not for the praise of men. Intercede for us, dear saint, that we might obtain the grace to live such humble lives. Amen.

Year 2: Day 56 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Strength, humility, charity.
Requested Intentions: Freedom from medical difficulties, employment, successful relationship (D); End to suffering for sick brother; reconciliation of estranged family (E); End to husband’s addiction; Improved relationship; strength (M); Successful God-centered marriage; Sacramental life (M); Healing, successful relationship (S); For successful marriage (A); For a husband’s freedom from addiction (C); Freedom from pain and illness for a friend (M); Financial freedom (J); Successful passing of occupational examination (S); Healing and conversion, sale of house (L); Occupational success for employee and colleagues (J); Employment for a son (C); Successful attainment of an important appointed position (J); Recovery from cancer for a friend (Z); For a family’s freedom from sin (M); For a daughter with Diabetes (A); Healing of a father following stroke (S).

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