Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5: Saint Agatha

Today, February 5, we celebrate the feast of Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr of the early Church. Saint Agatha endured cruel and horrific torture, was mocked and mutilated during the persecution of Christians. Throughout all, she remained true in her faith, praying to Jesus, her spouse: "Jesus Christ, Lord of all, you see my heart, you know my desires. Possess all that I am. I am your sheep: make me worthy to overcome the devil."

Saint Agatha, due to the nature of her torture, is considered the patron saint for those battling breast cancer. We pray today for all those impacted by cancer. Saint Agatha, intercede for us!

For my previous post on the inspirational life and history of Saint Agatha, click here.

O Heavenly Father,
Who raised Agatha
to the dignity of Sainthood,
we implore Your Divine Majesty
by her intercession
to give us health of mind,
body and soul.
Free us from all those thingswhich hold us bound to this earth,
and let our spirit, like hers,
rise to your heavenly courts.
Through Jesus Christ,
Your Son, our Lord,
Who lives and reigns
with You, forever. Amen.

O glorious Saint Agatha, through whose intercession in Christ I hope for the restored health of body and soul hasten to lead me to the true Good, God alone. By your intercession O blessed Agatha, may I ever enjoy your protection by faithfully witnessing to Christ. You invite all who come to you to enjoy the treasure of communion with the Holy Trinity. Moreover, if it be for God's greater glory and the good of my person, please intercede for me with the request of [mention request here].

Saint Agatha, you found favor with God by your chastity and by your courage in suffering death for the gospel. Teach me how to suffer with cheerfulness, uniting myself to Christ crucified with a simplicity and purity of heart. Amen.

Saint Agatha, eloquent witness of Jesus Christ as Savior, pray for us.
Saint Agatha, the martyr who says to Jesus, "possess all that I am," pray for us.
Saint Agatha, concerned with the welfare of all God's children, pray for us.
Saint Agatha, pray for us!

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