Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 26: Saint Braulio

Today, March 26, we celebrate the feast of Saint Braulio, Bishop of Saragossa (also known as Saint Braulius, 590-651). Saint Braulio was friend and disciple to Saint Isidore of Seville (feast celebrated April 4), and a prolific writer of letters, hymns, martyrology, hagiographies, and history. He fought against heresy and provided both strength and encouragement in the faith to his congregation, eventually appointed bishop.

Braulio was born into a noble family in Osma, and little is known of his early life. We know that he excelled at his studies, and was so eminent a scholar that he was sent to the college in Seville, founded by Saint Isidore. There, he became so valued by the saint that he was considered friend and disciple, rather than pupil. As history records, Saint Isidore sent Saint Braulio his own writings to review and correct prior to publication or dissemination.

Saint Braulio prepared for the priesthood at Saint Engratia's monastery, and was ordained in Saragossa. Upon the death of his brother, John, Bishop of Saragossa, Braulio was appointed to succeed him by the neighboring bishops of the region. As pastor of the region, Braulio worked tirelessly and zealously to teach and encourage his peoples, fighting vigorously against the Arian heresy which was growing throughout the region. He further assisted Saint Isidore in Church reform and the restoration of disciple within the Spanish clergy.

Saint Braulio attended the fourth, fifth, and sixth Councils of Toledo, in the last of which he was selected to write a letter to Pope Honorius I, defending the dignity and works of the Spanish clergy. His letter was both respectful and convincing. The influence of Saint Braulio extended beyond the Church, with his letters reaching royalty, including the king of Spain, and accomplishing much good for the peoples.

Saint Braulio, despite his writing, reformation, and fights against heresy, spent his days in the cathedral praying, before the alter of the Lord, and before Our Lady of Pilar. He embraced an austere life, wearing only the roughest and plainest of garments, and eating only simple foods. He abhorred the luxuries generally permissible to a bishop, and instead sought to live as his congregation, so that he might better preach. His preaching was well-known, both conversational and instructional, convincing all who listened of the truth of his argument. He demonstrated great love for his people, especially the poor and sick, whom he took special care of personally.

Near the end of his life, Saint Braulio lost his eyesight, which was especially troubling to him as a scholar. He spent his days reciting the Psalms from memory, and died peacefully in Saragossa. He was buried in the church of Nuestra Senora Merced del Pilar (Our Lady of Pilar).

The life of Saint Braulio is one of industry and use of talent. The Lord blessed this humble man with great intellect and scholarly aptitude, which he harnessed to assist Saint Isidore in his great writings. Saint Braulio also turned his attention to those around him, not content to live his life in scholarly pursuits, demonstrating great attention to his people, compassion, ministry, and love. He was never idle, spending his days in service, prayer, and contemplation, and never complained of the difficulties he experienced (with the exception of the loss of his eyesight!). Saint Braulio’s approach to life reminds us that we spend considerable time in idle pursuits, time which could be directed toward those around us, ministry, or prayer. During this season of Lent, what could we be doing to better use the talents the Lord has given us, to the benefit of those in our communities?

Father of Mercy,

forgive my failings,
keep me in Your Grace,
and lead me in the way of salvation.
Give me strength in serving You
as a follower of Christ.
May the Eucharist bring me Your Forgiveness
and give me freedom to serve You all my life.
May it help me to remain faithful
and give me the grace I need in Your service.
May it teach me the way to eternal life.

Year 2: Day 84 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Full lives of service to the Lord and one another.
Requested Intentions: Health for a soon to be delivered baby (T); Financial security (L); Healing of tooth pain (A); Health of expectant mother and child (R); Purification of the souls in Purgatory (A); Guidance in studies (J); Healing and security for a displaced family (C); Healing of high blood pressure; Recovery of brother following surgery (A); For a sister in trouble, that she may make better decisions in the light of Christ (M); Health of expectant mother and child (R); Attainment of funds for surgery (J); Freedom from financial difficulties (E); For employment and college acceptance (E); Recovery and healing of a friend (C); For successful outcome to surgery (C); Healing for brother (M); Successful employment (C); For the victims of the Japanese tsunami/earthquake (J); Healing (E); For a son struggling with depression (B); Successful conception (M); Freedom from social anxiety; confidence in the Lord (J); Improved success in employment and studies (D); Freedom from illness (T); For a wife’s employment (E); Healing of a husband’s knee (M); Freedom from sickness (R); Healing (C); Restoration of marriage (F); Freedom from medical difficulties, employment, successful relationship (D); Healing of a father following stroke (S).

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