Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26: Pope Saint Cletus, Third Bishop of Rome

Today, April 26, we celebrate the feast of Saint Cletus (also known as Anacletus, martyred 91), third bishop of Rome. Pope Saint Cletus led the fledgling Church during the reign of Emperors Vespasian and Domitian. The name Cletus, in ancient Greek, means “one who has been called.” Pope Saint Cletus is remembered as having been converted by Saint Peter, and ordained by the first pope as well. His name is included in the Roman Canon of the Mass.

Saint Cletus was traditionally said to have been born and raised a Roman, and following his ordination and ascension, served the Church for twelve years as the third pope. During that time, he is said to have divided Rome into twenty-five parishes, as well as ordained a significant number of priests to serve the growing Church. He is also the first pope to build a shrine over the relics of Saint Peter, which would eventually become the basilica that stands today.

The canon of the Roman mass, Saint Bede, Saint Augustine, and other Martyrologists, style him a martyr, although the direct events of his death for the faith have been lost to history. Saint Cletus is buried next to his predecessor, Saint Linus, at Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City. His relics continue to be venerated there today.

Looking to Saint Cletus, we pray today—at the start of the Easter Season—for renewal of the Church, and for the leadership of Church on earth. We ask the Lord to watch over and guide all those who serve the faithful, that we may continue to grow in faith and love, washed clean in the Resurrection of the Lord!

Father, we pray for your protection and guidance over our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and all those who lead and serve the Church. Give them strength and wisdom to stand as prophets for our times. May they be lights in darkness around which we gather in hope. We ask you to bring about reconciliation through his faithful teaching of peace and justice. Grant compassion and care to live the gospel in love and service to all people. Let them follow in the path of Peter and Paul who, filled with the Holy Spirit, preached that the Lord saves all who call upon his name. Amen.

Year 2: Day 116 of 365
Prayer Intentions: For the leaders of the Church.
Requested Intentions: Freedom from addiction (J); Successful transplant surgery (K); Healing for a daughter (T); Acceptance into school (V); Successful immigration; for a sister’s career and marriage (F); Financial recovery; Successful ministry (A); Financial ability to send children to school (S); Safe return of a runaway (J); Healing of a family (J); Reconciliation of marriage (S); Healing of a daughter with congenital heart disease (F); Healing and an end to suffering (J); For the children (M); For a son fighting a rare immune system disease (R); Freedom from imprisonment (J); Employment and end to depression (H); Successful employment (A); Health for a soon to be delivered baby (T); Financial security (L); Healing of tooth pain (A); Health of expectant mother and child (R); Purification of the souls in Purgatory (A); Guidance in studies (J); Healing and security for a displaced family (C); Healing of high blood pressure; Recovery of brother following surgery (A); For a sister in trouble, that she may make better decisions in the light of Christ (M); Health of expectant mother and child (R); Attainment of funds for surgery (J).

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