Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hymns of Saint Joseph the Hymnographer

Today, June 14, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Joseph the Hymnographer (810-886), tireless servant of the Lord, glorifying Him in life, in works, and through writing countless hymns and canons to the saints. Despite a lifetime of struggle, suffering, and imprisonment, Saint Joseph produced a catalog of writings which remain today, as well as over 200 hymns, many of which are still sung by modern congregations. He has been called "the sweet-voiced nightingale of the Church." Through his legacy of writings and song, Saint Joseph preserved a priceless record of the history of our faith—a faith which continues, unchanged and unabated, today.

Below, two additional hymns, originally penned by Saint Joseph (and later adapted for modern usage in the Church):

And Wilt Thou Pardon, Lord

And wilt Thou pardon, Lord,

A sinner such as I,
Although Thy book his crimes record,
Of such a crimson dye?

So deep are they engraved,
So terrible their fear,
The righteous scarcely shall be saved,
And where shall I appear?

O Thou Physician blest,
Make clean my guilty soul
And me, by many a sin oppressed,
Restore and keep me whole.

I know not how to praise
Thy mercy and Thy love;
But deign my soul from earth to raise

And learn from Thee above.

O Happy Band of Pilgrims

O happy band of pilgrims,

If onward you will tread,
With Jesus as your Fellow,
To Jesus as your Head.

O happy if you labor,
As Jesus did for men;
O happy if you hunger
As Jesus hungered then.

The cross that Jesus carried
He carried as your due;
The crown that Jesus weareth
He weareth it for you.

The faith by which you see Him,
The hope in which you yearn,
The love that through all troubles
To Him alone will turn.

What are they but forerunners
To lead you to His sight?
What are they save the effluence
Of uncreated Light?

The trials that beset you,
The sorrows you endure,
The manifold temptations
That death alone can cure.

What are they but His jewels
Of right celestial worth?
What are they but the ladder
Set up to heaven on earth?

O happy band of pilgrims,
Look upward to the skies,
Where such a light affliction
Shall win you such a prize.

To Father, Son, and Spirit,
The God Whom we adore,
Be loftiest praises given,

Now and for evermore.

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