Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12: Saint Veronica

Today, July 12, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Veronica (also known as Saint Berenice, died first century), a holy woman who was first cured of her disease by touching the hem of Jesus’ robe, and later offered Him a moment of compassion during His Passion by wiping his face. The love and compassion of Saint Veronica are commemorated in the Stations of the Cross, when she was moved with pity, and gave Jesus her veil that he might wipe his forehead on the way to Golgotha. Pious legend tells us that Jesus returned the veil to Veronica, the image of his face miraculously impressed upon it.

Saint Veronica first met Jesus when He cured her of a blood disorder while traveling with the disciples throughout Galilee:

20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: 21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. 22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour. (Matthew 9: 20-22)

This same holy woman—healed by her faith-- is later identified as Saint Veronica in the apocryphal "Acts of Pilate.” According to tradition, Veronica was present on the Via Dolorosa when Jesus carried His cross toward Golgotha. Veronica witnessed Jesus fall beneath the weight of His heavy burden and was so moved, she pushed through the crowd past the Roman soldiers to reach her Lord. Veronica used her veil to wipe the blood and sweat from His face, and as the soldiers forced her away, she bundled her veil and did not look at it again until she returned home. When she finally unfolded the veil, it was imprinted with an image of Christ's face. The story was later elaborated in the 11th century, that Veronica—upon receiving her veil with the imprint of the face of Christ upon it—took the veil to Rome and miraculously cured the Emperor Tiberius.

The legend of Saint Veronica is one of the most popular in Christian lore and the veil is one of the most beloved relics of the Church, still preserved in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Saint Veronica’s act of charity and compassion remain an inspiration for us today.

Prayer to Saint Veronica

St. Veronica, you gave Christ a towel on His way to Cavalry
Which He used to wipe the Precious Blood from His Holy Face.
In return for this great act of kindness He left you His most Holy image on the towel.
Pray for us to Our Lord that His Holy Face may be imprinted
on our hearts so that we may be always be mindful of the Passion and Death
of Our lord Jesus Christ, through the same Christ our Lord,

Prayer to the Sacred Image of Jesus Christ

O My Jesus, Saint Veronica served You on the way to Calvary by wiping Your beloved face with a towel on which Your sacred image then appeared. She protected this treasure, and whenever people touched it, they were miraculously healed. I ask her to pray for the growth of my ability to see Your sacred image in others, to recognize their hurts, to stop and join them on their difficult journeys, and to feel the same compassion for them as she did for You. Show me how to wipe their faces, serve their needs, and heal their wounds, reminding me that as I do this for them, I also do this for You. Saint Veronica, pray for me. Amen.

Year 2: Day 193 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Charity and Compassion
Requested Intentions: For a daughter’s successful examination results (A); Occupational success, health and safety of family (S); Reduction in anxiety for husband, financial freedom (S); Healing for a sister-in-law (J); For a family experiencing a difficult child custody case (M); Reunification of a family struggling with separation (M): For a son struggling with mental illness (M); Successful examination results (B); To be freed from the chains of sin (J); Admission to a good university (M); For successful surgery (T); For a mother’s mental health and for kindness and forgiveness, for housing problems, for dental health (T); For the soul of a departed friend (X); Restoration of health (D); Successful employment for couple (N); For employment for children (K); For health of friend, for successful relationships for children, for safe pregnancy for daughter (C); For the health of a mother (J); Virtue for daughter (V); Successful acceptance to college for nephew (M); For the health of a cousin (T); Freedom from legal difficulties for husband (S); Husband’s freedom from illness (L).

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