Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30: Saint Leopold Bogdan Mandic, "Apostle of the Confessional"

“We have in heaven the heart of a mother, The Virgin, our Mother, who at the foot of the Cross suffered as much as possible for a human creature, understands our troubles and consoles us.”

"Some say that I am too good. But if you come and kneel before me, isn't this a sufficient proof that you want to have God's pardon? God's mercy is beyond all expectation."

"Be at peace; place everything on my shoulders. I will take care of it. I give my penitents only small penances because I do the rest myself."

"A priest must die from apostolic hard work; there is no other death worthy of a priest."

Today, July 30, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Leopold Bogdan Mandic (1866-1942), Capuchin friar, referred to as both the Apostle of the Confessional and the Apostle of Unity. At a time when Pope Pius XII said that the greatest sin of our time is "to have lost all sense of sin," Leopold had a profound sense of sin and an even firmer sense of God’s grace awaiting human cooperation. To all who came to his confessional, Saint Leopold was a guiding voice toward the redemption of Heaven.

Bogdan was born the twelfth child to Peter and Caroline Mandic in Castelnuovo, a small port at the southern tip of Dalmatia (modern-day Croatia). Born physically malformed and frail of health, he was baptized with the name Bogdan, which means 'the God-given-one'. Despite his physical weaknesses, he demonstrated great spiritual strength and integrity as a child. Leopold was physically short and weak, and developed chronic arthritis which would plague him throughout his life. He suffered from abdominal pain and discomfort, spoke with a stammer, and lacked the strength to speak loudly. Even as a child these afflictions plagued him, and would gradually worsen over time, until he would be forced to walk with a cane, stooped over, and his hands would be rendered practically useless due to arthritis. Nevertheless, his humility and faith shone through his crippled frame, and he placed his life in the hands of the Lord, through which all things are possible at the age of 16.

Able to accept all that the Lord had given him, Bogdan left his home and traveled to Italy at 16, where he undertook studies with the Capuchins at their Seraphic School in Udine. Excelling at his studies, he entered the order as a novice at age 22, taking the name Leopold. Making his profession of vows the following year, Leopold began the clerical studies in Padua and Venice, and was ordained at the age of 24. Despite the rigors and austerities of Capuchin life, Saint Leopold was to become a model of spirituality, obedience, and faith.

Wishing nothing more than to be sent as a missionary to Eastern Europe, his heart yearned to assist in the re-unification of the area which had been torn apart by religious strife. However, his superiors denied his every request, due to his frail nature and generally ill health. Rather, he was stationed at various Friaries in Venice, ministering in the confessional and as a spiritual advisor. This was a difficult time for Leopold, but he obediently did as instructed. He once expressed his feelings about this when he said: "I am like a bird in a cage, but my heart is beyond the seas."

In1906, Father Leopold was sent to Padua, where he would spend the majority of the rest of his life. It was there, in Padua, that he embraced his mission as Confessor and Spiritual Director—a role through which the Lord would work within him for nearly 40 years. During World War I, however, Leopold was sent to prison, as he would not renounce his Croat nationality. His year in prison was difficult for him, and his health worsened dramatically.

Returning to Padua, Leopold spent nearly twelve hours each day (sometimes more!) in the confessional, counseling thousands of penitents. His voice was weak, his body frail, but his love and faith in the Lord was always present, as was his hope and belief in reconciliation. Through his tireless work in the confessional, Saint Leopold freed many from the chains of sin. Saint Leopold possessed the knowledge and acceptance of his own lowliness in relation to God's mighty power - that without God he could do nothing. This strong faith was communicated to others when they came to the confessional for spiritual advice. He would say: "Have faith! Everything will be alright. Faith, Faith!"

Saint Leopold had a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary whom he referred to as "my holy boss.” He was known to pray the rosary quite often, and celebrated the Eucharist daily at the side altar in the Little Office of the Virgin Mary. He would then visit the sick in nursing homes, hospitals and homes all over Padua. He visited the Capuchin infirmary to comfort the sick friars, giving them words of advice and reminding them to have faith. He was an outspoken on issues with children, and being pro-life was especially fond of expectant mothers and young children. He did considerable work in setting up orphanages for children without parents.

On 22nd September, 1940, Father Leopold celebrated his Golden Jubilee of the Priesthood. Soon thereafter, his health declined quickly, as he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. In 1942, while preparing for the liturgy, he collapsed on the floor. He was then brought to his cell, where he was given the last rites. Friars that had gathered at his bed sang "Salve Regina," and when they got to the words, "O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary," Leopold died.

During World War II, the church and friary where Leopold had lived in Padua were demolished by bombs, with the exception of Leopold’s cell and confession, which were miraculously left standing. Prior to his death, Saint Leopold had predicted this occurrence, when he stated, “The church and the friary will be hit by the bombs, but not this little cell. Here God exercised so much mercy for people, it must remain as a monument to God's goodness."

The life of Saint Leopold Mandic inspires us today, to embrace our struggles and complaints as opportunities to grow in love, service, obedience, and humility to the Lord. Through the acceptance of ourselves, and our reliance on Our Loving Father for strength and ability, we grow closer to the salvation of Heaven, and are better able to serve others in our communities. Saint Leopold Bogdan Mandic, pray for us!

O God, source of life and love, you gave Saint Leopold a tremendous compassion for sinners and a desire for church unity. Through his prayers, grant that we may acknowledge our need of forgiveness, show love to others, and strive to bring about a living unity among Christians. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

We have in heaven the heart of a mother, The Virgin, our Mother, who at the foot of the Cross suffered as much as possible for a human creature, understands our troubles and consoles us. Amen.

Year 2: Day 211 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Humility; Acceptance of our flaws; Reliance on the Lord; Service to others.
Requested Intentions: For a family’s intentions (T); Successful examination results (B); Healing of a friend with cancer, for all those who help others (B); Healing and love (L); Grace and healing (V); Healing of a heart, consecration of a marriage (M); Health of a family, intentions of apostolate (H); For repentance (J); For a family in trouble (R); Healing, successful relationships for son, financial success (J); Success of a company (L); For a religious society (J); Healing of a husband, strength as a faithful caregiver (D); Healing of a son (T); Financial security, Healing and guidance (M); Healing of a heart and relationship (V); Employment for daughter (J); For a marriage that glorifies the Lord (K); Resolution of family situation, parents’ health (A); Positive results (C); For a son’s employment, faith, and relationships (S); Restored family relationships (A); Healthy conception and delivery of children (J); For a girlfriend’s recovery from a debilitating mental illness (J); For a daughter’s successful examination results (A); Occupational success, health and safety of family (S).

1 comment:

  1. God is good. God is merciful. God is kind. God is just.


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