Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4: English Martyrs: Blessed John Cornelius & 3 Companions; Blessed William Andleby & 3 Companions

Today, July 4, we celebrate the feast day of eight martyrs of England (died 1594 and 1597), Blesseds Thomas Bosgrave, John Carey, John Cornelius, Patrick Salmon, William Andleby, Thomas Warcop, Edward Fulthrop, and Henry Abbot. At a time when practicing the Catholic faith was dangerous, these brave men gave their lives in service to the Lord, earning the martyrs’ crown.

Blessed John Cornelius was born of Irish parents in Cornwall, on the estate of Sir John Arundell. A pious and intelligent boy from birth, the master of the estate took interest in young John, and sent him to Oxford to be educated. From Oxford, he continued to study at the “Great Seminary of Martyrs” in Reims, and later at the English College in Rome to pursue studies in theology. Ordained a Jesuit, John was sent to England where he labored in secret for nearly ten years (under the alias Mohun), ministering clandestinely to his community, and keeping the Catholic faith alive despite threats of punishment and death. Blessed John spent his days in prayer and mortification, meditation, and was a zealous preacher.

While acting as chaplain to Lady Arundell, he was arrested in 1594. While being bodily dragged from the castle, Blessed Thomas Bosgrave—the nephew of Lord and Lady Arundell-- met him, and offered him his hat, as he had not had time to gather his belongings. Blessed Thomas was immediately arrested for aiding a Catholic priest, and soon thereafter, two servants of the castled—Blessed John Carey and Blessed Patrick Salmon, natives of Dublin—met the same fate and sentence.

When they reached the prison, a number of Protestant clergy engaged the men in discourse regarding the Catholic faith, heaping accusation and abuse upon them. However, the accused debated the faith so well, the sheriff stopped the accusations and had the men transferred to London, and presented before the Archbishop of Canterbury. There, through words and torture, they accusers attempted to ascertain the names of all those loyal to the Catholic faith, but received no answers. The four men were condemned to death—Blessed John Cornelius for high treason, having returned to England as a Catholic priest; the others were charged with a felony for having rendered assistance to a priest. All were assured to have their lives spared, if they would only embrace the Protestant faith.

On the way to execution, none of the confessors showed signs of fear. The first to ascend the scaffold was Blessed John Carey who kissed the executioner’s rope, exclaiming "O precious collar", made a solemn profession of faith and died a valiant death.

Before his execution, Blessed Patrick Salmon, a man much admired for his virtues, exhorted the spectators to embrace the Faith, for which he and his companions were giving their lives.

Then followed Blessed Thomas Bosgrave, a man of education, who delivered a stirring address on the truth of his belief.

The last to suffer was John Cornelius, who kissed the gallows with the words of Saint Andrew, "O Cross, long desired.” On the ladder he tried to speak to the multitude, but was prevented. After praying for his executioners and for the welfare of the queen, John Cornelius also was executed. The bodies was taken down and quartered, and Blessed John’s head was nailed to the gibbet, but soon removed. The bodies were rescued and buried by local Catholics.

Three years later, in 1597, Blessed William Andleby and three companions were similarly martyred. Blessed William was born in Etton (Yorkshire) of a well known and respected family. At the age of twenty-five, he went abroad and took part in the Dutch war, where he was confronted with the Catholic faith and eventually came to believe. While abroad, William converted to Catholicism, and was eventually ordained. Once ordained, he returned to England, and counseled and offered comfort and guidance to prisoners.

It is said of Blessed William, in his Acts recorded by Chanellor, that: "His zeal for souls was such as to spare no pains and to fear no dangers. For the first four years of his mission he traveled always on foot, meanly attired, and carrying with him usually in a bag his vestments and other things for saying Mass; for his labors lay chiefly among the poor, who were not shocked with such things. Afterwards, humbly yielding to the advice of his brethren, he used a horse and went somewhat better clad. Wonderful was the austerity of his life in frequent watchings, fastings, and continual prayer, his soul so absorbed in God that he often took no notice of those he met; by which means he was sometimes exposed to suspicions and dangers from the enemies of his faith, into whose hands he at last fell after twenty years' labor in the vineyard of the Lord."

Eventually, Blessed William was arrested and condemned for his priestly endeavors, guilty of high treason. Along with William, three others were arrested and executed for sheltering and assisting William: Blessed Thomas Warcop, an English gentleman from Yorkshire; Blessed Edward Fulthrop, a convert to the Catholic faith from York; and Blessed Henry Abbot, a native of Howden, England.

Today, as we contemplate the bravery and courage of these eight holy English men, we offer a prayer to Our Blessed Mother, Queen of Martyrs, that we, too, may live our faiths with the certainty of truth, and comfort in our sufferings.

Mary, most holy Virgin and Queen of Martyrs, accept the sincere homage of my filial affection. Into thy heart, pierced by so many swords, do thou welcome my poor soul. Receive it as the companion of thy sorrows at the foot of the Cross, on which Jesus died for the redemption of the world. With thee, O sorrowful Virgin, I will gladly suffer all the trials, contradictions, and infirmities which it shall please our Lord to send me. I offer them all to thee in memory of thy sorrows, so that every thought of my mind, and every beat of my heart may be an act of compassion and of love for thee. And do thou, sweet Mother, have pity on me, reconcile me to thy divine Son Jesus, keep me in His grace, and assist me in my last agony, so that I may be able to meet thee in heaven and sing thy glories. Amen.

Year 2: Day 185 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Courage in the face of difficulty; Comfort in the truth of our faith.
Requested Intentions: For a daughter’s successful examination results (A); Occupational success, health and safety of family (S); Reduction in anxiety for husband, financial freedom (S); Healing for a sister-in-law (J); For a family experiencing a difficult child custody case (M); Reunification of a family struggling with separation (M): For a son struggling with mental illness (M); Successful examination results (B); To be freed from the chains of sin (J); Admission to a good university (M); For successful surgery (T); For a mother’s mental health and for kindness and forgiveness, for housing problems, for dental health (T); For the soul of a departed friend (X); Restoration of health (D); Successful employment for couple (N); For employment for children (K); For health of friend, for successful relationships for children, for safe pregnancy for daughter (C); For the health of a mother (J); Virtue for daughter (V); Successful acceptance to college for nephew (M); For the health of a cousin (T); Freedom from legal difficulties for husband (S); Husband’s freedom from illness (L).

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