Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19: Blessed Emilia Bicchieri

Today, August 19, we celebrate the feast day of Blessed Emilia Bicchieri (1238-11314), devotee of the Blessed Virgin, Dominican tertiary, Abbess, ecstatic and visionary, and miracle worker. Blessed Emilia built the first convent for the conventional Third Order Sisters of the Dominican Order.

Emilia was born the fourth of seven daughters to humble and pious parents in northern Italy. Prior to her birth, her mother experienced a mystical vision in which she saw a beautifully constructed new church with a beautiful young woman dressed in white robes, veil, and a wreath of white roses. In the vision, other young women gathered around her, dressed in the same manner, and together, they processed into the church singing hymns of adoration. When Emilia’s mother recounted her vision to her Dominican spiritual advisor, he told her that the child she was to deliver would be a daughter, would do great things for the Lord, and would become a saint.

Despite this premonition, Emilia was treated no differently from her six sisters. She received a proper education, was taught to read and embroider, and engaged in other household tasks. Whenever she was not busy, Emilia could be found in the community—even as a young girl—seeking out those who were in need, and working charitably to relieve them of their burdens. She gave away any money or gifts given to her to those less fortunate, and while her sisters worked to make themselves attractive marriage-prospects, Emilia committed herself to serving the Lord as a nun.

Emilia’s beloved father died when she was just seventeen, having given her the permission to enter a convent. Once she had ensured her mother would be cared for, Emilia used her inheritance to build a convent for sisters of the Third Order Conventual of Saint Dominic in Vercelli. It was the first convent of it’s kind, and the Dominican fathers of Vercelli enthusiastically supported her in her project.

On the feast of Saint Michael in 1256, Emilia and her companions- who now numbered more than thirty, processed into the church of the convent. They were dressed in white gowns, with veils and wreaths of white roses, and Emilia’s mother was amazed to see her vision become reality. Re-fitted with Dominican habits, Emily was naturally viewed as the leader and foundress of the fledgling community. Consequently, when the visiting novice mistress completed her work and saw them all professed, Sister Emilia, in spite of her youth, was unanimously named superior. She was called "Mother Emilia," which was a great trial to her.

The daily life of the sisters under her direction focused on good works of charity and prayer, and were not as strictly cloistered as other Second Order houses of the time. The Convent of St. Margaret had no lay sisters-- all the sisters were of the same category and shared in all the work of maintaining the church, convent, and house. They prayed regularly, and were encouraged to spend considerable time each day in solitude, contemplating the Lord and His Passion. Any donations or gifts from rich benefactors were promptly distributed to the poor.

Mother Emilia was a strict superior, but a beloved one. She instructed and disciplined with love and kindness, above all preaching the love and forgiveness of Christ. For herself, she engaged in harsh bodily mortifications, including fasting, wearing a hair shirt beneath her habit, refusing sleep, and contemplating the Holy Crown of Thorns worn during the Passion of Our Lord. Emilia prayed and meditated upon the suffering of Our Lord on a daily basis, and on one occasions courageously requested that she share the pain of Christ. Her request was granted and the stigmata of the crown of thorns appeared upon her head for three days of intolerable pain. During that time, she was visited by visions of several saints associated with the Lord’s Passion, and following the conclusion of her suffering, continued to meditate on the Passion all her life.

Many miracles were also reported at the hands of Blessed Emilia, including miraculous healings of sisters in the infirmary. On this occasion, she had just received the Holy Eucharist and returned to the sick sisters in the infirmary. She said to them, “I am not alone, my sisters; see, I bring Jesus to bless you.” They were cured at once, and were able to partake in the Eucharist. On another occasion, Emilia missed the Eucharist, and arriving at the alter rail, was greeted by an angel who delivered to her the precious body of Christ. At least twice Our Lady is said to have come to see Blessed Emilia, both times to teach her prayer. Emilia always seemed embarrassed by her mystical abilities, as though she had somehow committed a fault.

Blessed Emilia was plagued with spiritual doubt and agony throughout her life, so much so, that at one point in her time as superior, she felt unworthy to receive Holy Eucharist. She felt a strong desire to receive the Eucharist on a daily basis, but the pervasive thought of the time was to do so only rarely. Overly conscientious of her perceived faults, and concerned with what others would think, she abstained for long periods of time. It wasn’t until the Lord called her back to the Eucharist, in a mystical vision, that she followed her heart and received more frequently. Jesus told her that it was much more pleasing to Him for her to receive Him through love than for her to abstain from receiving through fear of unworthiness.

The life of Blessed Emilia is one of deep devotion, contemplation, and charitable service. She lived a life centered in love and self-denial, one which we can aspire to emulate today. Through her witness, we pray for the strength to empty ourselves of earthly desires and seek only a deeper and more lasting relationship with Our Lord. Blessed Emilia, pray for us!

you led Blessed Emilia to despise all earthly things
and to seek you alone.
By following her example
may we learn self-denial
and love you with grateful hearts.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Year 2: Day 230 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Yearning for the Lord.
Requested Intentions: For children and marriage (M); For the birth of a healthy baby (Y); For personal family intentions, for the sick, poor, hungry, and homeless (G); Financial security and peace (J); Grace, peace, and obedience to the will of God in a marriage (H); Successful and blessed marriage for sin, freedom from anxiety for husband, spiritual contentedness for family (N); Employment and health for a husband (B); Recovery and health of a mother (J); For a family to grow closer to the Church, salvation for all children (D); Successful employment (L); Successful employment (S); Renewal of faith life (A); Support for an intended marriage, health for friend and aunt (J); Mental health assistance for son (G); Freedom from illness (S); Successful employment (C); Financial assistance and employment (B); For a family’s intentions (T); Successful examination results (B); Healing of a friend with cancer, for all those who help others (B); Healing and love (L); Grace and healing (V); Healing of a heart, consecration of a marriage (M); Health of a family, intentions of apostolate (H); For repentance (J); For a family in trouble (R); Healing, successful relationships for son, financial success (J); Success of a company (L); For a religious society (J); Healing of a husband, strength as a faithful caregiver (D); Healing of a son (T); Financial security, Healing and guidance (M); Healing of a heart and relationship (V); Employment for daughter (J); For a marriage that glorifies the Lord (K); Resolution of family situation, parents’ health (A); Positive results (C); For a son’s employment, faith, and relationships (S).

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