Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6: Saint Bruno of Cologne

Today, October 6, we celebrate the feast of Saint Bruno of Cologne (1030-1101), founder of The Chartreuse Order of cloistered monks (the Carthusians). Saint Bruno’s life was one of poverty, manual labor, prayer, and piety. He inspired his brothers to a life of holiness, served as Papal advisor, and wrote both letters and commentaries on the tenets of the faith. Ever-humble, Saint Bruno sought an eremitical life, avoided public honors, and even succeeded in never being officially canonized. Nevertheless, the Church honors this great and pious saint as we aspire to his faith and humility.

Saint Bruno was born in Cologne, the son of a prominent family. He made a name for himself through his gift for academics at the Cathedral school at Rheims, returned to Cologne, and was ordained at the age of 25. Returning to Rheims, he taught as a professor of theology, one of his students later becoming Pope Blessed Urban II. Saint Bruno continued to teach, was eventually made head of the school, and later chancellor of Rheims. As chancellor, he actively sought reform, drawing attention to the worldliness of the clergy, and instructing them in the ways of true obedience to the Lord. He is remembered as a gifted orator, whose eloquence inspired countless listeners to true conversion. The people of Rheims sought to elevate Saint Bruno to archbishop, but he refused the honor, feeling drawn instead to live an eremitical life.

Following a vision he received of a secluded hermitage where he could spend his life becoming closer to God, he retired to a mountain near Chartreuse in Dauphiny. The area was desolate and mountainous, and received few visitors. Under Saint Bruno’s leadership, the first house of the Carthusian Order was established, complete with an oratory and individual cells for the brothers. They Order generally followed the rule of Saint Benedict, although they had no official written rule. Brothers embraced a life of poverty, manual work, prayer, and spent their days transcribing manuscripts. Rather than complete solitude, however, Saint Bruno felt that the rigors of the solitary life needed occasional companionship and so solitary meditation with occasional brotherly congregation became the structure of their lives

Eventually, the piety of the group (and their founder) spread beyond the inhospitable reaches of the Alpine mountains, and in 1090, Pope Urban II summoned Saint Bruno to Rome. There, Bruno served as Papal Advisor in the reformation of the clergy, to great success.

Clearly drawn back to his quiet and contemplative life, Pope Urban released Saint Bruno from his service, allowing him to resume his eremitical state… although first offered him the archbishopric of Reggio. Saint Bruno declined the honor, promptly founding another hermitage: Saint Mary’s at La Torre (in Calabria). He remained there, until his death, writing commentaries on Holy Scripture and leading his brothers in their pursuit of piety.

Saint Bruno was never formally canonized because of the Carthusians' aversion to public honors his name was placed on the Roman calendar in 1623 and is celebrated every October 6th.

From a letter written by Saint Bruno to the Carthusians:

“Rejoice, my dearest brothers, because you are blessed and because of the bountiful hand of God’s grace upon you. Rejoice, because you have escaped the various dangers and shipwrecks of the stormy world. Rejoice because you have reached the quiet and safe anchorage of a secret harbor. Many wish to come into this port, and many make great efforts to do so, yet do not achieve it. Indeed many, after reaching it, have been thrust out, since it was not granted them from above. By your work you show what you love and what you know. When you observe true obedience with prudence and enthusiasm, it is clear that you wisely pick the most delightful and nourishing fruit of divine Scripture.”

you called St. Bruno to serve you in solitude.
In answer to his prayers
help us to remain faithful to you.
amid the changes of this world.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Year 2: Day 279 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Moments of quiet contemplation, balanced with Christian fellowship and community.
Requested Intentions: Healing of a chronic illness (P); Safety of a family during storms (A); Successful home ownership (P); Healing of a marriage (M); Employment for a husband, blessings for a marriage (E); Successful examinations for a daughter, healing of a relationships (V); Blessing for a family (V); Healing of baby girl M and all children suffering (M); Special intentions (R); Business success, peace, health (E); Conversion and deliverance of those who suffer, increase in vocations (M); Financial security and safe housing (M); For a daughter (K); Conversion of a family, deliverance of the souls in Purgatory (S); Successful marriage (A); Health, safety, grace, success of a building project (A); Successful treatment and recovery from cancer (D); Clear speech for a child (C); Conversion of a family (A); Successful employment (S); For the healing of impaired vision (F); For a couple experiencing difficulties (L); Successful employment after finishing college (M); Mother’s health (A); Financial security, freedom from anxiety (S); For a son and cousins (L); Peace and civility (B); Successful examination results (D); Safety of family, strength, courage, wisdom (C); For the souls of a departed father and brother, finding of a suitable marriage partner (R); Successful pilgrimage, deepening of prayer life (R); Restoration of health (J); Restoration of health (S); Freedom from pride (A); For children and marriage (M); For the birth of a healthy baby (Y); For personal family intentions, for the sick, poor, hungry, and homeless (G).

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