Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21: Blessed Pepin I of Landen

Today, February 21, we celebrate the feast day of Blessed Pepin I “The Old” de Landen (alson known as Pippin, 591-640), Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, husband to Blessed Ituberga de Metz, and father to Saints Begga, Gertrude, and Bavo. Blessed Pepin was the most powerful man in the Austrasian empire during his lifetime, playing a major role in revolution and improvement of the lives of the people. Described as “a lover of peace and the constant defender of truth and justice,” Blessed Pepin upheld the tenets of the Christian faith during a time of decadence and licentiousness.

Blessed Pepin with Saint Begga
Blessed Pepin, aided by his equally holy wife, worked to spread the faith throughout the kingdom, defended Christian towns from Slavic invaders, and chose responsible men to fill vacant sees. He found time in his busy life to take active part in the raising of his children. His daughter Begga devoted herself to charitable acts, later canonized. His second daughter, Gertrude, entered the convent of Nivelles (founded by her mother), and was also later canonized. His eldest son, Grimoald, filled Pepin’s governmental seat upon his death, and his youngest son, Bavo, became a hermit, devoting his life to the Lord, later canonized.

Pepin was praised by his contemporaries for his good government and wise counsel. He suffered exile on one occaision, after reprimanding the king for his licentious lifestyle. Soon recalled, he thereafter served with the king for many years despite his enemies plts to turn the king against him. In 629, for reasons unknown, he retired to his estates, where he remained until his death. Pepin of Landen was buried at Landen, but his relics were later translated to Nivelle, where they are now enshrined with those of his wife and daughter Gertrude.

Requested Intentions: Healing (M); Healing of a mental disorder (B); Blessings upon vocations and relationship (F); Employment for daughters (L); Reconciliation for a family (K); Healing for a friend undergoing chemotherapy (G); Blessings upon a new job (F); For the repose of departed souls (J); For Our Lady of the Rosary parish, personal intentions (D); Blessings upon a family, educational success, financial security (N); For blessings upon a relationship, for financial assistance (J); For assistance with immigration challenges (M); For a family in trouble (J); For peace and security for a couple (D); For strengthening of families throughout the world (C); Healing for a sick child (H); Healing for a mother, safety and security for a family (M); Peace and conversion of afflicted peoples (P); Healing upon a family (E); Blessings upon a couple; specific intentions (A); For financial security, for vocational discernment, for a friend fighting addiction, for a family in need of conversion (M); For those courageously fighting cancer (M); Physical healing and financial security (C); For a family to serve the Lord, for physical healing, financial security (R); For a return to the faith of a family (D); Financial security, health, and peace for a family (N); End to debt, peace and health (E); For a young boy facing medical challenges (M); Permanent employment for a son (R); For inmates facing illness (M); For the renewal of a marriage (A); For the blessing of a union (C); Peaceful resolution to work difficulties, end to health challenges (R); For private intentions (J); For the faith of a prayer group (A); For healing and conversion of the injured (C); Healing of a family following the death of a loved one, resolution of legal matters (J); Employment and security for a mother and children (A); Healing and peace (J); Healing and peace in a family (D); Successful employment (M); Healing of a relationship (B).

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