Saturday, February 11, 2012

Writings of Saint Bernadette Soubirous on the Holy Mother of God

"Here is your servant, O my God, ready to undertake all, to give all, to sacrifice all, to offer up all, as long as your will may be accomplished in me and on the earth."

From the private notes of Saint Bernadette (as quoted in “A Holy Life: Saint Bernadette of Lourdes,” McEachern, Ph.D., 2005, page 57):

"Courage, my child.  You have found the precious Pearl that buys the Kingdom of Heaven.  To love what God wills always, to will it always, to desire it always, to do it always: this is the great secret of perfection, the key to paradise, the foretaste of the peace of the saints!"

"The more you unite your heart to mine, the more you will understand the truth of those words.  When you no longer have any will other than God's, your heart and mine will become one and the same heart.  Learn to say the Ecce Ancilla ("I am the handmaid of the Lord) of perfect obedience with me each day."

"Whatever trials the Lord sends you, whatever sacrifices he asks of you, whatever duties he imposes on you, always have this response of love and faithfulness on your lips and in your heart: Here is your servant, O my God, ready to undertake all, to give all, to sacrifice all, to offer up all, as long as your will may be accomplished in me and on the earth."

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