Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30: Saint Aimo, Model of Charity

Today we celebrate the feast day of a lesser-known saint, Saint Aimo (died 1137).  Saint Aimo was a monk, born near Rennes, France, in a difficulty time of poverty and sickness.  As a young man, he entered the Benedictine monastery at Savigny, France (in modern-day Normandy).  There, he demonstrated his charity and love for all those in the community.

Of particular note, Saint Aimo fearlessly ministered to members of the community who were afflicted with Leprosy.  Given his seeming lack of personal fear, and confidence and joy in his work, his superiors assumed that he, too, was infected with the dreaded illness.  As such, he was segregated from the community, as was the practice in that day, and spent his days as a laybrother in humble service to the ill.

Over time, his superiors realized that he was not infected with leprosy.  Saint Aimo, who never complained at his isolation, was eventually returned to the general population of the community, selected to become a priest, and ordained.  He went on to preach charitable kindness and experience mystical ecstacies.

The life of Saint Aimo reminds us all of our call to service, charity, and love for one another.  All too often, we may refrain from helping others, either out of concern for ourselves, our health, the appearance it might give to others, or our own financial security.  As with Saint Aimo, we must remember that the Lord will care for us and provide for us, as we do for our brothers and sisters.  Today, we pray for charitable hearts open to the needs of those in our community and our world.

O my Jesus, Thou who art very Love, 
enkindle in my heart that Divine Fire 
which consumes the Saints and transforms them into Thee. 

Lord our God, 
we offer Thee our hearts 
united in the strongest and most sincere love of brotherhood; 
we pray that 
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 
may be the daily food of our souls and bodies; 
Jesus may be established as the center of our affections,
even as He was for 
Mary and Joseph.
Finally, O Lord, may 
sin never disturb our union on earth; 
and may we be eternally united in 
heaven with Thee 
Mary and Joseph and with all Thy Saints.


Prayer Requests: End to financial difficulties, successful business opportunities (P); Resolution of immigration difficulties (A); Healing, continued employment, grace in old age (S); For personal and family intentions (M); Success in academics, family life, and faith (C); Healing of a father with lung infection (L); Healing of a brother with cancer (S); Healing of a relationship with the Lord (L); Employment for a son, end to anxiety and financial stress for a family (M); Blessing upon a relationship and marriage (A); Blessing and early release from jail for a son, restoration of a marriage (B); Comfort and healing for a sick sister and colleague (M); Guidance and the Lord’s will in a new career (C); For healing in a relationship (A); For healing of depression (B); Resolution of a medical condition (J); For Blessings upon a marriage (S); Healing of a son with a congenital heart defect (J); Grace in relationships (A); Blessings and healing upon a mentally ill daughter, peace and comfort for family (M); Success in academic endeavors, successful passing of important examination (R); Blessings upon an unborn child, mother, and family (A); End to pain and anxiety, freedom from cancer (J); Health, healing, and grace in relationships (S); Success of overseas work (M); Blessings upon a family (S); End to legal difficulties, healing (K); Grace in relationship (M); Blessings upon a relationship (C); Restoration of a relationship (P); Blessings upon a father, academic success for children (J); Blessings upon a family (K); Healing, strength (S); Healing of stomach and mental health issues, strength for medical tests (M); Employment for granddaughter (C); Restoration of a marriage (J); For a young man discerning vocations (P); Continued successful employment (E); Successful Employment (P); Successful employment (L); Healing upon a husband and a relationship (E); Success in legal situation (J); healing, freedom from pain, successful employment, financial recovery (A); Financial security (C); Resolution to financial and legal difficulties (B); Academic success for children, occupational security (C); Resolution to immigration and employment challenges (K); Restoration of a marriage (M);

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