Friday, April 6, 2012

Lenten and Triduum Prayer Requests

During Lent and the beginning of Triduum, I have recieved a significant number of prayer requests.  I am humbled and privileged to lift these requests in prayer to Our Lord, through the gracious intercession of Our Blessed Mother.  I invite you all to join me in remembering one or more of the intentions below during your Easter prayers.

For healing of depression (B); Resolution of a medical condition (J); For Blessings upon a marriage (S); Healing of a son with a congenital heart defect (J); Grace in relationships (A); Blessings and healing upon a mentally ill daughter, peace and comfort for family (M); Success in academic endeavors, successful passing of important examination (R); Blessings upon an unborn child, mother, and family (A); End to pain and anxiety, freedom from cancer (J); Health, healing, and grace in relationships (S); Success of overseas work (M); Blessings upon a family (S); End to legal difficulties, healing (K); Grace in relationship (M); Blessings upon a relationship (C); Restoration of a relationship (P); Blessings upon a father, academic success for children (J); Blessings upon a family (K); Healing, strength (S); Healing of stomach and mental health issues, strength for medical tests (M); Employment for granddaughter (C); Restoration of a marriage (J); For a young man discerning vocations (P); Continued successful employment (E); Successful Employment (P); Successful employment (L); Healing upon a husband and a relationship (E); Success in legal situation (J); healing, freedom from pain, successful employment, financial recovery (A); Financial security (C); Resolution to financial and legal difficulties (B); Academic success for children, occupational security (C); Resolution to immigration and employment challenges (K); Restoration of a marriage (M); Reunification (I); Healing and comfort for a father diagnosed with cancer, strength for caregivers (T); Academic success (G); Healing, clarity of faith (S); Healing for mother and children, blessed relationships (D); For a wife diagnosed with cancer and the husband caring for her (E); Blessings upon a relationship (S); Healing upon a family, conversion of children (J); Successful employment (M); Successful employment (J); Freedom from anxiety, end to legal troubles (M); Healing and comfort for a terminally ill friend, strength for caregivers (J); Successful examination (M); Healing of an eye disease (S); For conversion of neighbors (C); successful employment, financial security (D).

1 comment:

  1. Please pray for my son and me so that: we recover our hair, cure the ears and gums and skin, get rid of social phobia, have good friends, that my son gets an education, that he becomes catholic, that he is a very good man.
    Thanks for the prayers.


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