Sunday, December 2, 2012

November Prayer Requests

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

I hope this post finds you well.  Thank you to all of you who continue to submit prayer requests-- as you can see from the list below, the number of requests continues to increase on a daily basis!

Special thanks to those of you who have recently made donations to the Rosary-construction cause.  While I haven't posted about this in a while, rest assured that we are still constructing Holy Rosaries to provide both to international missions and American military personnel on active duty.  Your donations allow us to continue this important work!  Thanks and God Bless you.  (Of course, given the economic climate, if you are unable to offer a donation, please keep this mission in your prayers!)

Please join me in praying for those intentions submitted by during the month of November.  Together, we raise our voices in prayer:

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." (Ephesians 6:18)

 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with 
thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Hope and healing of those affected by RSD (S, Canada);  Justice for a wrongly imprisoned cousin (M, USA-TX);  Healing of a husband, guidance for leaders of America (A, USA-DE);  Employment for a son, peace for a widow, financial security (M, United Arab Emirates);  Health and healing for an ill mother (V, India); Successful legal proceedings (C, Philippines);  Health and healing upon a couple trying to conceive (V, India);  Career success for daughters, souls in Purgatory, health and healing following surgery (M&C, United Kingdom); Healing upon a husband, blessings upon a daughter (S, India);  Health and healing, successful chemotherapy (W, Singapore);  Financial security (B, Ireland); Freedom from depression (B, England); Successful employment (K, USA-TX);  True conversion and homecoming in Christ (A, USA-TX);  Healing of a brother, hope for a family (H, India); Healing of a sister with mental health issues (R, USA-TX);  Hope and healing, stronger relationship with the Lord (T, Jamaica); Successful employment for a husband (B, USA-CA); Successful employment (D, USA-AZ); True conversion, increased faith (C, USA-GA); Healing of father, brother, and nephews (E, Zimbabwe); Successful employment (R, USA-MI); Prayer of thanksgiving for good health (A, USA-NJ); Return of children to the faith (D, USA); Health and healing (A, India); Resolution to a legal situation, successful employment (B, South Africa); Successful employment, financial security (F, Malaysia); Health and healing, hope in the Lord (N, India); Discernment in the will of God, growth, career success (D, USA-NJ); Healing for mother, father and siblings; resolution of legal proceedings for son, peace and hope in the Lord (C, USA-TX); Successful employment, financial security, freedom from anxiety (R, USA-TX);  Blessings of children upon a marriage, employment for a brother (C, United Arab Emirates); Employment for children, health and healing (J&S, South Africa); Resolution of living difficulties, peace (T, USA-WA); Resolution of family difficulties (M, Philippines); Health and hope for a sick daughter (M, Ireland); Healing of a marriage and family (P, Ireland); Discernment, God-directed service to others (Y, USA-NV); End to addiction (G, United Kingdom); Unity in faith (N, Australia); Employment for family members, health and healing (F, Kenya); Health, healing, peace, happiness, and hope (C, USA-NE); Financial security to participate in holy pilgrimage (M, Canada); Resolution of multi-generational family difficulties (D, India); Blessings on a family (A, India); Conversion of souls, Employment (J, USA-OH); Healing of cancer (M, USA-NY); Healing of a friendship (D, Malaysia); Successful resolution of legal proceedings, financial security (M, India); Healing of a mother with cancer (E, India); Healing of a couple following son’s death (B&C, USA-OH); For a daughter’s intention (L, USA-FL); Successful resolution to a legal situation (R, Kuwait); Guidance on a foreign mission (T, Hungary); Healing of hearing problem (S, Mauritius); Hope, healing, repose of souls, vocational assistance (H, Philippines).

"Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth." (Psalm 54:2)
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." (Matthew 21:22)

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