Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16: Guatemalan Mission

At the end of the week, I will be heading to Guatemala for a week of outreach to families, sponsored by the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA).  During the week-long visit, we will meet with numerous communities in the Guatemalan highlands, spreading the Gospel.  I also hope to distribute some of the Holy Rosaries we have been constructing as part of our "365 Rosaries Construction Mission."

CFCA, which is a non-profit organization founded by lay Catholics in 1981, allows sponsorship of families from around the world who live in poverty.  Through their work, the organization is able to assist families in accessing better education, housing, water, and safety.  This sponsored trip allows us to visit with these families, share in their religious communities, and spread the Gospel throughout the world.

CFCA’s mission is to walk with the poor and marginalized of the world (from their website):

We provide personal attention and direct benefits to children, youth, aging and their families so they may live with dignity, achieve their desired potential and participate fully in society.

We invite people of good will to live in daily solidarity with the world’s poor through one-to-one sponsorship.

We build community by fostering relationships of mutual respect, understanding and support that are culturally diverse, empowering and without religious or other prejudice.

Please join me in prayer for a successful, enriching, and safe trip.  May the Lord and Our Blessed Mother watch over all those involved!

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