Saturday, August 17, 2013

Prayer Requests: July & August

As many of you know, I recently returned from Guatemala (see the lovely Mayan Crucifix, left), where I had the privilege of meeting some incredible families, blessed by the Lord in faith, hope, love, and enduring spirit!  I will be writing more about that trip soon.  In the meantime, I have been trying to "catch up," which has been difficult, so I apologize for the lack of recent posts.

Please join me in praying for the intentions submitted by readers over the past several weeks.  I had over 100 requests awaiting me upon my return!  Together, as a prayer community, we can accomplish great things!

Prayer Requests: July and August

During this month, please join me in lifting the following intentions  submitted through this blog, to Our Lord and Savior, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother:

Healing for a cancer survivor, financial security, protection of children (C, USA-VA); Financial support for a struggling school (P, India); Successful employment (N, Trinidad & Tobago); Blessings upon a family, freedom from sin (R, USA-CT); For specific intentions of hope and healing (A, Philippines); Reconciliation of relationship between granddaughter and mother (C, USA-NY); Successful employment (A, India); Healing of a mother post-surgery (L, USA-PA); Hearts of hope and faith (N, Switzerland); Repose of soul of husband, financial security (R, USA-CA); Success in job and business (B, Ireland); Healing of a mother and the ill (R, Philippines); Blessed custody arrangement, family harmony (I, USA-CA); Blessings upon a family, healing, hope (S, USA-NJ); For Catholic parishioners in Lesotho (T, Lesotho); Healing, strength, confidence for a daughter (J, Australia); Financial security, health and safety (M, Philippines); Employment and financial security (C, Nigeria); Healing, children blessed by God (M, Lesotho); Successful studies and employment for daughter, freedom from anxiety and worries (M&C, United Kingdom); Successful employment, financial security (R, Cameroon); Freedom from mental illness and anxiety, marriage blessed by God (M, Denmark); Blessings upon a Catholic school (K, USA-MT); Healing of a wife’s eyesight (R, USA-NV); For healing (R, USA-MD); Successful employment, financial security (K, South Africa); Successful employment, financial security (I, USA-FL); Financial security and health for a family (D, USA-PA); Blessings upon a marriage, financial security (N, USA-MI); Conversion of a husband (B, United Kingdom); Successful employment, financial security (J, USA-NY); Blessings of children (M, USA-CT); Healing of a brain tumor (J, United Kingdom); End to family distress (I, India); Blessings upon a family (S, USA-TX); Financial security (D, India); Employment of husband (B, United Kingdom); Healing of arthritis and diabetes (I, Zimbabwe); Safety and protection of a son (M, USA-VT); Blessings and guidance (E, USA-NY); Successful employment, financial security (G, USA-OR); Health, blessings, and financial security (M, USA-CA); Healing and discernment (M, USA-TX); Peace and reconciliation of family, discernment in vocation (G, Uganda); Freedom from addiction (F, Australia); Healing of a relationship with mother (L, India); Blessings upon a parish family (A, USA-FL); Successful local employment (K, Ireland); Blessings upon a family (J, Brazil); The Lord’s mercy upon a father (J, USA-NY); Financial security, successful business (R, India); Healing of many, financial security (D, United Kingdom); For a family to heed the Lord’s will (B, USA-MA); Successful employment, financial security (R, USA-LA); Healing and comfort (M, India); Location of lost important items (J, Philippines); Relationship blessed by God (M, Philippines); Healing on a family, deeper relationship with Christ (G, Philippines); Freedom from addiction, healing, blessings upon a relationship (T, USA-CO); Repose of souls (M, USA-NJ); Blessings and healing upon children (S, USA-NY); Blessings and healing for a family (B, France); Successful studies and examinations (A, Philippines); Healing for a family (A, Philippines); Healing of a family, healing of the mentally ill (B, USA-MA); Relationship blessed by God (C, Philippines); Successful sale of home (T, Canada); Blessings upon a family (L, Nigeria); Relationship blessed by the Lord (M, India); Successful fundraising for academics, health of aging parents (E, Kenya); Deepening relationship with God, blessings and conversion for children and grandchildren (P, USA-CA); Healing, protection, guidance, security for a family (J, Nepal); Blessings upon a family, employment, children (C, United Arab Emirates); Blessings and a positive attitude (A, Qatar); Discernment regarding religious life (M, Ghana); Healing from cancer, blessings upon a relationship (O, Ireland); Successful academic studies (J, England); Financial security, healing and guidance (P, Uganda); Healing and an end to addiction (D, India); Blessings from God on relationships, healing, strength (R, USA-NJ); Reconciliation of a relationship (L, India); Success in occupational and academic pursuits (C, Philippines); Resolution of legal difficulties (R, India).

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