Sunday, January 31, 2010

General Announcements: End of Month One!

It is hard to believe that an entire month has passed since I began this project!  Thanks to those of you (over 350 of you, apparently!) who have visited the blog, offered your prayers in support of this project, sent monetary donations (keep them coming, it's almost time to buy more Rosary-making materials!), and submitted prayer requests for me to lift in daily prayers to the Lord, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of hosting a small Rosary-contruction gathering.  Seven friends gave up the greater part of their Saturday to construct Holy Rosaries to be sent to overseas missionaries and American troops deployed abroad.  With the Rosaries lovingly created yesterday, along with those that I have been building each morning, I am happy to report that the total constructed is rapidly approaching 100 (a portion are pictured below)!  Please keep my Rosary-construction project in your prayers.

As always, God bless each of you, and may Our Blessed Mother, advocate for all mankind, lift your prayers to the Heart of Jesus.

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