Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31: Saint Marcella of Rome

Saint Marcella of Rome (325-410), like Saint Hyacintha, began her life as a privileged member of nobility. She married well, lived in a palace on Aventine Hill in Rome, and was quite content with her luxurious life. Shortly after her marriage, however, her husband died quite unexpectedly, leaving her widowed and alone.

As a child, Marcella had met Saint Athanasius, and remembered his stories of the Egyptian ascetics (those who practiced rigorous self-discipline and abstinence from worldly pleasures so as to better contemplate the holiness of the Lord). Following the death of her husband, Marcella refused the marriage proposal of a wealthy and powerful man of government, and instead turned herself to works of charity and service to the poor of Rome. She distributed her considerable wealth, “preferring to store her money in the stomachs of the needy rather than hide it in a purse.” Her palace on the Aventine Hill became a center of Christian fellowship and activism. She formed a community of women, mostly of nobility, who gave up their material wealth and possessions to live a life of asceticism and austerity. Marcella abstained from wine and meat; spent her time in pious reading, prayer, and visiting the churches of the apostles and martyrs; and never spoke with any man alone.

Marcella welcomed Saint Jerome upon his arrival in Rome, and he remained with her for three years guiding this monastery and school for devout, aristocratic ladies in the study of the scriptures, prayer, and almsgiving. Marcella was a woman of intellectual ability, and not afraid to confront the masterful Jerome. After his departure from Rome, Marcella corresponded often with her spiritual director, who answered her questions about spiritual matters and referred to her as "the glory of Roman ladies." Eleven of his letters to Marcella survive, in which her tortured life is compared to the sufferings of the poor souls in hell. Marcella wrote in a letter to Saint Jerome: "My sweetest Lord, only remember that I am a poor creature of Thine! For do with me what pleases Thee, now and through eternity! I abandon myself into Thy hands, and am ready to suffer these torments as long as it shall please Thee."

When the Visagoths, led by the barbarian Alaric, besieged and looted Rome in 410, Marcella and the rest of the city were starving. Eighty-five years old at the time, she wrote: “By heaven’s grace, captivity has found me a poor woman, not made me one. Now, I shall go in want of daily bread, but I shall not feel hunger since I am full of Christ.” Marcella was captured soon thereafter. She was tortured and scourged, as her tormentors tried to force her to reveal the location of her hidden wealth. They did not believe her claims to have given it away to the poor. Marcella withstood her own scourging but begged them to spare the others in her community from such treatment. She was released, but died shortly thereafter from the injuries she sustained.

Saint Marcella lived a long life, especially long for that time. When her marriage ended, she turned to the Lord, committing herself wholeheartedly and sincerely to His will. As Christ instructed, she gave up all she had to the poor, inspiring many others to do the same. She deprived herself of worldly pleasures, seeking instead, through prayer and Scripture, to grow closer to Christ. She ministered to those around her, working tirelessly, even at her advanced age. And she joined her suffering to Christ, first in life, than in torture, and eventually in death. Saint Marcella is another example, like Saint Hyacintha, of the power of the Lord’s call, and the possibility and potential for daily conversion in each of us. What is the Lord asking you to do today? And more importantly, will you answer His call?

Day 31 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Conversion and commitment to the Lord through service to others
Requested Intentions: The rest and repose of a dearly departed friend (J); Reconciliation of struggling marriages (A); Reconciliation and healing in personal relationships (N); Safety for friend deployed to Afghanistan (S); Safety of friend/ relief worker in Haiti (L); Health and safety of new daughter (J); Renewal of loving Christ-centered relationship (A).
Special Intentions: Novena to Our Lady of Prompt Succor, for those who are struggling in the face of personal trials and tribulations, unemployment and financial stress, natural disasters (including the poor of Haiti), poverty, war, and exploitation. May Our Lady of Prompt Succor hasten to help us!

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