Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18: Saint Vincenza Mary Lopez y Vicuna

Today, January 18, marks the feast day of Saint Vincenza Mary Lopez y Vicuna (1847-1890) of Spain. Born into a wealthy family in the region of Navarre, Saint Vincenza was highly aware of the plight of the region’s poor. She felt strongly called to the service of others, and despite her parents’ objections (and in direct opposition to a marriage that had been arranged for her), Vincenza took a vow of chastity.

Devoted to the Blessed Virgin, Vincenza founded the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, an order which provided protection to the poor women of the area, many of whom worked as domestic servants. She dedicated her life to mothering such poor working girls. In fact, she declared that the work was “a complete delight,” and insisted that she was ready to suffer anything, even death, rather than abandon this calling.

The Daughters of Mary Immaculate lived by the creed: "Steady employment is the safeguard of virtue." Throughout her short life, Saint Vincenza demonstrated this commitment to hard work. Through begging, she raised money to build homes and hostels for working women. But the work was not easy, and Vincenza was ill for much of her life. She died at the young age of 43. In her own words, "I count myself happier in the service of these my sisters, than the great ones of this world in the service of their lords and kings."

Saint Vincenza Mary Lopez y Vicuna is an inspiration to us, a model of social justice and activism which we might strive to emulate in our lives. How many around us are suffering, being taken advantage of, living lives far less worthy of the human dignity each of us possesses? How can we make a difference in these lives? Today, we pray for the commitment to social justice exemplified by Saint Vincenza. We pray for the fire of virtue, and the courage to risk our own comfort to help those around us. Together, we can change the world!

Today concludes my Novena to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception for the intentions of those who are stuggling to conceive or adopt, are pregnant or expecting children, are new parents, or have suffered pregancy-related loss.  I am confident that Our Blessed Mother has heard these intentions and carried them to Our Lord's heart, filled with unlimited love and mercy.

Day 18 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Social Justice in the world; Courage to help those around us who are suffering; Those suffering in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake
Special Intentions: Those trying to conceive or adopt; Those who are pregnant or expecting children; New parents; Those who have experienced miscarriage or pregnancy complications

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