Monday, January 18, 2010

Our Lady of Banneux: The Second Apparition

Today marks the anniversary of the second apparition of Our Blessed Mother at Banneux, Belgium, to eleven year old Mariette Beco in 1933. On January 15, I recounted the first apparition, when Mariette saw a woman “made of light” smiling at her through her kitchen window. While no one believed what she saw was true, Mariette’s faith was unshaken.

The following evening, January 18, Mariette (who was afraid of the dark) ventured into the family garden in the evening, kneeling in the snow to pray the Rosary. It should be noted that January in Belgium is very cold, especially at night! After moments of solitary prayer, Mariette was observed to stretch out her arms as Our Blessed Virgin appeared in the night sky, some distance away. As Our Lady was quite far away, Mariette stood, still praying, moving toward the Holy Mother. The figure of Mary, dressed luminously in a similar manner as the previous evening, smiled, lips moving in prayer. They prayed the Rosary in silence together for approximately 20 minutes, although Our Lady did not touch the Rosary beads which hung from her arm.

After being beckoned to follow her, Mariette followed the Virgin Mary onto the main road in town, stopping at her direction three times to kneel in prayer on the road, prior to kneeling by the side of the road in front of a drainage ditch running beside it. In the ditch, a small stream was running. Our Blessed Mother stood directly above Mariette on the bank of the road and said, “Stretch out your hands into the water.” Despite the cold, Mariette obeyed, doing as she was instructed, placing her hands into the freezing water. The Virgin Mary smiled, head inclined toward Mariette, stating, “This stream is especially for me,” and then, “Good Evening.” With that, she disappeared. Bystanders who had observed Mariette, heard her repeat these two phrases aloud, although she appeared as if walking and speaking in a trance. Mariette came back to herself, returning home to share her latest encounter with Our Blessed Mother with her family, and be questioned by Church authorities. They were yet to believe her.

Our Lady of Banneux, the Virgin of the Poor, would appear to Mariette six more times over the course of the next month. Her message each time was to pray for the poor, for the sick, and for sinners.

Mary, Virgin of the Poor,
You lead us to Jesus, source of grace, and you come to alleviate our suffering.
We implore you with confidence: Help us to folow you Son with generosity, and to belong to Him unreservedly.
Help us to welcome the Holy Spirit Who guides and sanctifies us.
Obtain us the grace to look like Jesus everyday more, so that our life will glorify the Father and contribute to the salvation of our Brothers.

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