Sunday, January 3, 2010

Our Lady of Beauraing: The Final Apparition

Today, January 3, marks the anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s last visitation to the children at Beauraing, Belgium. She appeared more than 30 times between November 1932 and January 3, 1933 to Albert, Gilberte, and Fernande Voisin (ages 9, 13 and 15) and Andree and Gilberte Degeimbre (ages 14 and 9). For more background information on this series of Marian apparitions, visit my January 1st entry.

On the evening of January 3, 1933, a large crowd (believed to be between thirty and thirty-five thousand people) assembled as the five children began praying the rosary, as had become their custom. After two decades were prayed, Albert, Gilberte, Andree, and Gilberte exclaimed the Blessed Mother’s presence and fell to their knees. Fernande, the oldest, wept as she could see nothing.
On this day, Our Lady of the Golden Heart, imparted what has been understood as the main promise of the Beauraing visits. To Gilberte Voisin she said, “I will convert sinners," before bidding her adieu.

To Andree she said: "I am the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven. Pray always." She then disappeared.

Fernande, still weeping, remained kneeling while the other children went inside for questioning by the local authorities. Without warning, she, and many in the crowd, heard a loud noise like thunder and saw a ball of fire on the hawthorn tree where Mary had frequently appeared. The Blessed Mother appeared and spoke to Fernande, inquiring as to whether she loved her Son and herself. When Fernande replied in the affirmative, Mary’s response was: "Then sacrifice yourself for me." At this the Blessed Virgin glowed with extraordinary brilliance and extended her arms, so that the girl could see her golden heart, before saying, "Goodbye," and disappearing from Beauraing for the last time.

1 comment:


    I design and make rosaries. This is the one I made about Beauraing. See Description below photo for design elements.


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