Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2: Saint Otto of Bamberg

Today, July 2, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Otto of Bamberg (1060-1139), Bishop, “Apostle of Pomerania,” and “Father of Monks.” Saint Otto was a tireless champion of the faith, carrying the Gospel into remote regions and restoring diplomatic ties between governments and the papacy. Through his work, thousands were converted.

Otto was born in Swabia, to a noble family, and was ordained a priest before the age of thirty. Otto eventually entered the service of Emperor Henry IV, becoming his chancellor in 1101. He loyally served the Emperor, and his successor, Emperor Henry V, but vocally disapproved of his treatment of Pope Paschal. Henry disputed some of the Holy See’s policies, and when Otto was appointed bishop of Bamberg in 1103, he refused to be consecrated until receiving approval from Pope Paschal II. Through this consecration, Otto restored the relations between Henry and the Pope, and brought the entire country back in line with Church teachings.

Appointed bishop of Bamberg, Otto at once set to work founding new monasteries, reforming existing communities, building schools and churches, and completing the cathedral. He embraced a monastic life, eschewing the fineries and luxuries of the bishopric, and instead using the monies for social programs and charity for the poor. Such was his model, and his concern for those in religious orders, he became known as the “Father of Monks.”

In 1122, Otto was commissioned by the Polish Duke Boleslaw III to convert Pomerania to Christianity. He quietly set about this mission, traveling the region on foot, covering the countryside twice on his journeys. Everywhere he went, the people were greatly influenced by his holiness, quiet generosity, gentleness, and preaching. Over fifteen years, he baptized over 22,000 people, saw to the establishment of eleven churches, and worked miracles.

Saint Otto returned to his flock in Bamberg, and died as he lived—quietly and peacefully. His tomb is venerated today in the monastery church of Saint Michael in Bamberg. Today, we pray for the quiet kindness, peace, and gentle witness that Saint Otto modeled throughout his life. May the Lord grant us the ability to live the Gospel, not with shouts and force, but with holy whispers and quiet witness.

Tomb of Saint Otto at the monastery Church of Saint Michael in Bamberg

Prayer For Patience and Gentleness

Bestow on me, O Lord, a genial spirit and unwearied forbearance;
a mild, loving, patient, heart;
kindly looks, pleasant cordial speech, and manners
in the exchange of daily life;
that I may give offence to none,
but as much as in lies live in charity with all men.
Johann Arndt, (1555-1621)

Year 2: Day 183 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Quiet faith and gentle witness
Requested Intentions: For a family experiencing a difficult child custody case (M); Reunification of a family struggling with separation (M): For a son struggling with mental illness (M); Successful examination results (B); To be freed from the chains of sin (J); Admission to a good university (M); For successful surgery (T); For a mother’s mental health and for kindness and forgiveness, for housing problems, for dental health (T); For the soul of a departed friend (X); Restoration of health (D); Successful employment for couple (N); For employment for children (K); For health of friend, for successful relationships for children, for safe pregnancy for daughter (C); For the health of a mother (J); Virtue for daughter (V); Successful acceptance to college for nephew (M); For the health of a cousin (T); Freedom from legal difficulties for husband (S); Husband’s freedom from illness (L).

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