Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2: Saints Acestes, Longinus, and Megistus

Today, July 2, we celebrate the feast day of Saints Acestes, Longinus, and Megistus (died 67), Roman soldiers and Martyr of the Church. According to Holy Legend, these three brave men were the soldiers assigned to convey Saint Paul to his martyrdom.

On the journey from the prison to the place of execution, these three soldiers were struck by the joy that Saint Paul emoted, and impressed by his courage and commitment to his cause. Confused, they questioned him, asking Paul who this king was—a king that he loved so much he was willing to die for so joyfully and courageously.

Despite having little time, Paul preached the Gospel to them with every step and every movement, and they were converted on the spot. As they approached the place of execution, the three soldiers were horrified at what was about to occur. The bravely declared themselves Christians, and witnessed to the crowd. Based upon their “treason,” they were immediately beheaded, martyrs for the faith under the persecution of Emperor Nero. Their acts were recorded by Church historian Eusebius.

Today, on the feast of Saints Acestes, Longinus, and Megistus, we pray for courage and strength to bear witness to the Gospel, and openness to those we encounter, that we may understand their needs, hear their stories, and genuinely interact in the spirit of Christ.

Dear God, give me courage,
for perhaps I lack it more than anything else.

I need courage before men against their threats
and against their seductions.

I need courage to bear unkindness,
mockery, contradiction.

I need courage to fight against the devil,
against terrors and troubles, temptations,
attractions, darkness and false lights,
against tears, depression, and above all fear.

I need Your help, dear God.

Strengthen me with Your love and Your grace.

Console me with Your blessed Presence
and grant me the courage to persevere
until I am with You forever in heaven.

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