Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Vacation" Prayer Requests, July

During the month of July, I will be away from my computer on vacation.  While I will not be able to frequently post, I will continue to receive and lift all requests in prayer, during my daily Rosary... I just may not be able to respond immediately.

Have a safe and blessed July!

Please join me in praying for those intentions submitted by readers over the past week.  Together, we raise our voices in prayer.

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." (Ephesians 6:18)

 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with 
thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Healing of a heart condition, transfer from difficult work placement (F, India);  Resolution to legal problems, reunification of a family (M, USA-NY);  Safety and protection for a son serving in the Marines (C, USA-IL);  For safe delivery of a child, for physical and mental health of mother and infant (A, Philippines); Healing from chronic condition, peace (M, USA-MD);  Resolution of a difficult family situation (E, USA-NY);  Healing upon an inmate, conversion to the faith (T, USA-SC);  End to depression, healing for a family financial assistance (M, Argentina);  Health and healing, financial assistance (H, Canada); Healing of a relationship (M, India);  Healing of a tumor (L, USA-NY);  Healing of a mother with cancer, peaceful repose of a father (E, Philippines);  Successful surgery and healing of a wife (A, USA-NY);  Healing of memory loss for father, health for daughter (T, USA-CA);  Successful recovery of a lost mentally ill individual (T, USA-NJ);  For grace in the spiritual direction of others (C, USA-MO);  Health and safety for a pregnant woman and child (V, Namibia);  Restoration of a relationship, healing of a mother with cancer (S, India);  Blessings upon a relationship (K, Serbia);  For the mental health of a daughter, that she may receive the assistance needed (D, USA-FL);  For a son struggling with mental illness (C, Finland);  For successful employment, financial assistance, and fulfillment for an unemployed brother (H, United Arab Emirates);  Spiritual, emotional, and financial liberation (C, Philippines);  Healing of physical and mental illnesses (H, USA-IN);  Blessings upon a family (C, Ireland);  True conversion for a family (A, USA-CO).

"Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth." (Psalm 54:2)
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." (Matthew 21:22)

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