Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Vacation" Prayer Requests (July/ August)

Please join me in praying for those intentions submitted by readers over the past week.  Together, we raise our voices in prayer.

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." (Ephesians 6:18)

 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with 
thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Healing of marriage, family, true conversion (J, Kenya); For hope (G, Ireland); For healing of specific individuals (R, USA-TX); Healing of a relationship and family (S, India); Healing of mental illness, healing of cancer (S, unknown); Safety for a friend traveling in a dangerous region, successful medical tests (P, USA-NC); True conversion (P, USA-CA); Financial stability, successful employment, healing of a relationship (M, Philippines); Healing upon two sisters (M, USA-IN); Strengthening of a relationship, end to financial difficulties, blessings upon a new home (A, USA-VA); Healing of a relationship, restoration of hope (M, India); Peace and consolation (E, India); Healing, protection, conversion of a prodigal son (S, USA-TX); Healing of a husband following surgery (C, India); Conversion and victory over temptation for sons (E, USA-NY); For specific, personal requests (H, India); Healing, for conversion of children and call to the faith, for priests who humbly serve the flock of Christ (I, Australia); Healing of depression, healing of husband’s addiction (G, United Kingdom); Strengthening of relationship, blessing of children (C, United Arab Emirates); Successful employment (L, USA-NY); Health and protection for a family (F, Zambia); Job security (J, USA-PA); Restoration of a relationship (M, India); Healing, conversion, and hope for those contemplating suicide (S, Ireland); Financial security (P, Malaysia); Healing and protection for a family (J, USA-NJ); Returning of lent belongings (K, India); Healing, hope, and protection for a family (C, Ireland); For end to legal and financial difficulties, for family health (B, USA-CA); For financial security (V, Canada); Blessings upon a relationship, removal of obstacles (A, India); Financial security, physical healing (J, Oman); Blessings upon a family, mental, physical, and spiritual healing (T, United Kingdom); Physical, emotional, and spiritual healing upon a family (B, England); Blessings upon a marriage (J, Seychelles Islands); For a blessed union (N, India); Healing and health (P, Philippines); Successful employment which glorifies the Lord (K, Uganda); Successful employment, career advancement (M, USA-FL); Occupational and financial security (J, Philippines); Blessings upon a desire to serve the Lord (R, India); For blessings upon Canada and the government (T, Canada); Blessings upon those traveling to the Holy Land (P, Uganda); End to depression (B, England); Blessings and healing upon a daughter preparing for her wedding (F, India); Healing of a husband and wife (M, USA-OH); Blessings upon a family, financial security, success of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land (H, Uganda); Financial assistance (E, Dominica-West Indies); Personal intentions (I, India); Financial security, spiritual growth, peace throughout Ghana (B, Ghana); Healing of a sister (N, Philippines); Guidance in career, successful employment (F, Malaysia); Restoration of a relationship (D, Philippines); Blessings upon a relationship (M, Philippines); Healing and hope of a family, Healing of cancer (V, England); Financial security, grace, and peace for siblings (O, Nigeria); Health for a handicapped child, successful employment for younger siblings (C, India); Restoration of a relationship, financial security, true conversion (R, India); Healing of a sister with brain hemorrhage (R, USA-PA); Financial security for a business (P, USA); Successful employment (K, USA-DC); Conversion of husband and children, for nephew in rehab, for specific intentions (I, USA-TX); Blessings and healing upon mother and husband (R, India); Successful employment (G, Philippines); Resolution to difficulties at work (N, USA-NJ); Conversion of a congregation, successful healing of cancer (Fr. A, India); True conversion for a family (J, USA-LA); Healing of a chronic condition (L, India); Healing and home for friends and family (L, Sri Lanka); Healing of a daughter with breast cancer (C, USA-MD); Healing of a relationship, successful employment (S, India); Healing of a mother, grace of a family (P, India); Change in the world, true conversion (B, USA-LA); Personal intentions (H, Philippines); Successful completion of examination (M, Philippines); For healing of family and friends (F, Philippines); Personal blessings (K, India); Healing of a family (H, Kenya); Healing of a family and son (M, USA-CA); Grace and blessing of conception (L, USA-TX); For healing, for improved family relationships, for safety and protection, for financial security (M, USA-MD); Healing of chronic condition (X, India); Successful employment, financial security (R, USA-CO); Financial security to build a home (F, India); Conversion of parents to Catholic faith (B, USA-TN); Personal intentions (E, USA-KY).

"Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth." (Psalm 54:2)
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." (Matthew 21:22)

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