Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19, 2013: Our Lady of Lourdes, The Fourth Apparition

We continue our re-publishing of previous posts chronicling the miraculous unfolding of events that took place at Lourdes in 1858. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

The Blessed Mother appeared to Saint Bernadette eighteen times, bringing a message of prayer, penance, poverty, and participation. She said, “Penance. Penance. Penance. Pray for Sinners.” She picked the most humble of messengers, truly showing that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord. Between today and July 16, we will continue our journey with Saint Bernadette as we encounter Our Blessed Mother through her eyes, memories, and words.

On February 19, Bernadette returned to the grotto at Massabielle, as she had promised the beautiful lady she would. Our Blessed Lady of Lourdes appeared for the fourth time on that day, having appeared previously on February 11, February 14, and February 18. During those initial visitations, the Blessed Virgin smiled and prayed with Bernadette. During the previous visitation, she had spoken, inquiring as to whether Bernadette would visit the grotto each day for 15 days, and telling her, “I do not promise to make you happy in this life, but in the other.”

Bernadette did not completely understand the message of the Holy Mother, but returned as promised, on February 19th. In preparation for her visit to the grotto, she brought a blessed candle, which she had borrowed, to offer in honor of the beautiful lady. During this visit, a small crowd of family members, friends, and curious townsfolk followed her. They witnessed Bernadette, in ecstasy, kneeling before the rock face, praying the Rosary, holding the lit candle in the other hand. She was transfixed, and unable to be distracted from her vision. Her face, during these moments, becomes calm and beautiful—more beautiful than anything the onlookers have seen.

Bernadette’s habit of carrying a lit candle to the grotto is the start of the daily Marian Candlelight Procession at Lourdes, still occurring today, and having occurred every day since that time.

During the visitation of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 19, she again remained silent, praying the Rosary with Bernadette, but not speaking to her. Instead, Bernadette was graced with the gentle smile and feeling of peace she remembered from previous visions.

Bernadette would continue to visit the grotto for the next 14 days in a row, during that time, receiving the important message of Lourdes- a message that is from the heart of Our Blessed Mother. During the third apparition, when the beautiful lady explains to Saint Bernadette, “What I have to say does not need to be written down,” she is inviting Bernadette to enter into a personal relationship from the heart, the very center and depth of her message of love, respect, and human dignity.

O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
you are the refuge of sinners,
the health of the sick,
and the comfort of the afflicted.
By your appearances at the Grotto of Lourdes
you made it a privileged sanctuary
where your favors are given to people streaming to it from the whole world.
Over the years countless sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities,
whether of soul, mind, or body.
Therefore I come with limitless confidence
to implore your motherly intercession.

Loving Mother, obtain the grant of my requests.
Let me strive to imitate your virtues on earth
so that I may one day share your glory in heaven.

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