Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 20, 2013: Our Lady of Lourdes, The Fifth Apparition

We continue our re-publishing of previous posts chronicling the miraculous unfolding of events that took place at Lourdes in 1858.  Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

We continue our journey with Saint Bernadette as we encounter Our Blessed Mother through her eyes, memories, and words. Our Blessed Mother appeared to Saint Bernadette eighteen times at the grotto of Lourdes, bringing a message of prayer, penance, poverty, and participation. While the first three visitations, on February 11, February 14, February 18, were marked by the Blessed Mother establishing a deep and heart-felt connection with Saint Bernadette, the fourth (February 19) though seventh visitations were marked by quiet prayer. During these visits, the crowds that followed Bernadette to the grotto at Massabielle grew each day, and the leaders of the town began to become alarmed. It would not be long before the police became involved, and Bernadette would suffer for her faith.

The fifth apparition, February 20, 1858, marks the first time that Bernadette’s mother accompanies her to the grotto. Prior to this day, she had actively discouraged Bernadette, certain the attention would have negative impact on the family’s already tenuous existence within the community. However, on February 20, due to her growing concern for her daughter’s safety amongst the crowds following her, she accompanied Bernadette. Together, they returned to the grotto at Massabielle, again carrying the lighted blessed candle. Again, the crowds, including her mother, witnessed Bernadette, in ecstasy, kneeling before the rock face, praying the Rosary, holding the lit candle in the other hand. While Bernadette was transfixed, the others present saw and heard nothing.

During the fifth visitation of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 20, the Blessed Mother appeared in the recess of the rock face, as she had previously, praying the Rosary with Bernadette, and smiling gently. Bernadette was content to sit in her presence, recalling the joy and peace she felt the remainder of her life, and describing how nothing earthly could compare. On this occasion, the Blessed Mother spoke to Bernadette, teaching her a prayer which Bernadette kept secret the remainder of her life. Onlookers watched her beautiful and joy-filled face become troubled and sad, followed by tears during the visitation. This was the first of several times where Bernadette was provided with information regarding the future of the world and the torment of sinners.

Despite this difficult vision, Bernadette was not deterred. She would return the following day, and subsequently be questioned by the police. Throughout, her faith would remain child-like and simple, her love for the beautiful lady undeterred, and her confidence in the Lord ever growing. As the Blessed Virgin had promised, Bernadette had found happiness not in the world of man, but in the internal Kingdom of God—a kingdom of love.
Years later, in 1783, Saint Bernadette wrote:

O Mary, my gentle Mother, here I am, your child who can bear no more. See my needs and above all my spiritual distress. Have pity on me; grant that one day I may be with you in Heaven.

I shall do everything for Heaven, my true home. There I shall find my Mother in all the splendor of her glory. I shall delight were her in the joy of Jesus himself in perfect safety.”

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