Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1, 2013: Our Lady of Lourdes, The Twelfth Apparition

We continue our re-publishing of previous posts chronicling the miraculous unfolding of events that took place at Lourdes in 1858. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

In 1858, Our Lady of Lourdes appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous at the grotto in Lourdes eighteen times, each time bringing a message of prayer, penance, poverty, and participation. Through these posts, we continue our journey with Saint Bernadette as we encounter Our Blessed Mother through her eyes, memories, and words. The first eleven visitations occurred in February (February 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2324, 25,  27, and 28), while the twelfth occurred on the first day of March. The Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of Lourdes, communicated the message of Lourdes to all mankind, through Saint Bernadette. She implored us, saying, “Penance, Penance, Penance. Pray to God for sinners.” Our Blessed Mother further invited Bernadette to drink and bathe in the muddy water of the grotto, after which a clear flowing spring came forth where none had existed before. Our Lady of Lourdes commanded, “Go drink in the spring and wash yourself there,” something that faithful pilgrims continue to do each day. (For personal reflections on my experience at Lourdes, see here, here, and here).

During the eleventh visitation, Our Blessed Mother had repeated her instructions to pray for sinners, and to offer acts of penance to God for their salvation. During the twelfth visitation, however, the Blessed Virgin again remained silent, smiling her gentle smile, and praying the Rosary along with Bernadette. At this point, well over one thousand people were following Bernadette to the grotto at Massabielle, word having spread across the country of the miraculous appearances. Of course, only Bernadette could see the Blessed Mother, and many of the onlookers were disappointed. What they did notice, however, was the ecstatic gaze of Bernadette, the joy and peace displayed on her face, and the zeal she exhibited in penance for sinners—drinking and washing in the pure spring which had sprung forth beneath the alcove in the rock where the beautiful lady appeared.

The local church authorities had previously made no comment on the occurrences in Lourdes, even when Bernadette informed the local nuns. But on this day, a priest was among the crows of 1500, observing Bernadette’s behavior. And soon, given the request made by Our Lady the following day, the Church would be moved to action.

That night, following the dispersal of the crowds, the first miraculous healing attributed to the spring at the grotto occurred. Catherine Latapie, a friend of the Soubirous family from Lourdes, went to the Grotto. She had lost the movement in her arm and hand, and with faith in the Lord, she plunged her dislocated arm into the water of the spring. Immediately, she regained the movement in her hand and arm! This was the first of over 60 miraculous cures attributed to Our Lady of Lourdes, the most recent occurring in 2005.

Saint Bernadette, your faith has grown the Church—the Church which is your family and your religious community.
Bravely, you went to tell the priests to hold a procession and build a chapel.
Once your mission was accomplished, you retreated in silence and humility.
Like Mary, in this day of Pentecost and then silence, Inspire in me, O Saint Bernadette, the same love of the Church. Support me in my prayers.

Lord, you give everyone a place in your Church. Let me answer my vocation with the same simplicity and the same generosity as Bernadette. Amen.

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