Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1, 2013: Saint Albinus of Algers

Today, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Albinus of Angers (died 550), a French monk who later became an abbot and a bishop. Saint Albinus is remembered for his ransom of captives (from pirates!) as well as his care for the poor and sick. His feast day is celebrated throughout the world on March 1.
Albinus was born in Vannes (Brittany) to an ancient and noble family. Saint Fortunatus recorded his life and his acts while he lived, making his story one of the better documented accounts of saintly service and love. While still just a boy, he found himself drawn into the love and Word of God, and declared to his parents his intention to become a monk.  While they had other plans for him, his mind was unwavering, and he eventually entered the monastery at Tincilloc.
Albinus lived a quite life of service, prayer, contemplation, and hard work.  By the time he was 35, he was recognized by his community and chosen Abbot of the monastery.  He became renowned for miraculous healings and service and comfort to the poor, but more so for his prayerful and ascetic lifestyle.  Those in power sought his counsel and advice, and he found time for everyone—rich and poor, noble or peasant.
At the age of 60, Albinus was elevated to bishop, assuming the Bishopric of Angers.  He at once turned his attention to ransoming prisoners from the barbarian pirates that frequently captured those they encountered.  Albinus negotiated, prayed, and even paid ransoms to free those in need.  Holy legend tells us that at his command, one wall of the Tower of Angers collapsed miraculously, allowing the escape of those being held there.  On another occasions, Albinus attempted to visit a woman he believed to be wrongly imprisoned by the king.  When a guard attempted to prevent his visit, he miraculously fell dead.  The king, at once, released the woman, certain of his mistake. All in need found they could turn to the saintly bishop for support and comfort.
Albinus further railed against injustice, immorality, and lax behavior on the part of the clergy.  He fought for the rights of the poor, chastised the noble for immoral lifestyles, and convened councils to develop ecclesiastical codes of conduct.
Saint Albinus died at the age of 80, while visiting those in his community who needed his support. His body is interred in the crypt of Saint-Pierre Church at the abbey which bears his name.  Countless miracles have occurred at his tomb, which makes Angers a pilgrimage destination in Europe.

Saint Albinus, we ask your intercession for our friends and loved ones who make bad choices in their lives. We pray for those who are considering marriages that are not approved by God nor sanctioned by the Church, that they will seek to do what is right in God’s sight. In Christ’s Name we pray, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Week 9

Please join me in lifting the following intentions  submitted through this blog, to Our Lord and Savior, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother:

For a daughter to make good decision, for good relationship (S, USA-IL);  Repose of the dearly departed (B, USA-CA); Healing of depression, greater faith in the Lord (A, USA-CA); For children and grandchildren, for success of Worldwide Children’s Spiritual Bouquet (USA, C-MN); Financial security, housing, health, hope (S, Pakistan); For strength and courage, for an end to grief (K, Indonesia);  End to All evil, hate, fear, sickness, greed, indecencies, demonic forces, plagues of diseases, hunger, and all anxieties (R, Canada); End to suffering, for children, for family faith formation (L, Bolivia); Restoration of a marriage, safety of children (N, Philippines); Peace at work (B, India); For successful conception (A, Ireland); Increased concentration and faith in prayer (A, Kenya);  Healing and conversion for husband and children (B, USA-CA); Blessings upon a family (T, Canada); Food, family peace, job security (C, Nigeria); Successful employment, peace and freedom from anxiety for a family (J, India); For financial freedom and security (R, Ireland); For the ill, for peace (H, Philippines); Personal intentions, successful employment (B, Canada);  For conversion and open hearts (P, Poland); Blessings of children, family at peace (V, India); Vocation and discernment (J, India); Growth of faith in a family, healing (M, Philippines); Successful employment (B, Kiribati); Personal intentions (S, Australia); For resolution to a difficult situation (A, USA-NY); For spiritual renewal (F, Japan); Balance between work and family, successful employment, God-given relationship (E, USA-MI); End to medical problems and addiction (M, USA-OH); Healing of a relationship (J, Bangladesh).

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