Saint Vincent Pallotti was devoted to both the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Mother. He felt called to strive for conversion of all to Christ, and worked tirelessly as an example for others. He was known for encouraging the collaboration of clergy and laity, and for striving to unite Church factions and fractures throughout the world. Because of this, Saint Vincent was appointed patron saint for the Vatican II council which strove toward similar goals.
Saint Vincent founded the Pious Society of Missions of Pallottine Brothers and Sisters, who have since spread across the globe doing missionary work. Their motto, "The love of Christ impels us,” is inspired by his life and writings. At home in Rome, Saint Vincent Highly was a tireless champion of the poor, organizing successful fund-raisers for charities for those he need. He founded guilds for workers (tailors, coachmen, carpenters), agricultural schools, loan associations, orphanages, and homes for girls who had been abandoned. He established “night classes” for the poor and unskilled to enable them to acquire employment. Saint Vincent further risked health and danger by ministering to the ill during a particularly deadly cholera epidemic, visiting soldiers in battle, and accompanying condemned men to the execution block or gallows. Oftentimes, Saint Vincent stood inches from the executed, holding a Crucifix to their eyes, so as to ensure the last image they saw on this earth was that of God.

Prayer to Mary Queen of Apostles
(written by Saint Vincent Pallotti)
Immaculate Mother of God, Queen of the Apostles, we know that God's commandment of love and our vocation to follow Jesus Christ impels us to cooperate in the mission of the Church. Realizing our own weakness, we entrust the renewal of our personal lives and our apostolate to your intercession. We are confident that through God's mercy and the infinite merits of Jesus Christ, you, who are our Mother, will obtain the strength of the Holy Spirit as you obtained it for the community of the apostles gathered in the upper room. Therefore, relying on your maternal intercession, we resolve from this moment to devote our talents, learning, material resources, our health, sickness and trials, and every gift of nature and grace, for the greater glory of God and the salvation of all. We wish to carry on those activities which especially promote the catholic apostolate for the revival of faith and love of the people of God and so bring all men and women into the faith of Jesus Christ. And if a time should come when we have nothing more to offer serviceable to this end, we will never cease to pray that there will be one fold and one shepherd Jesus Christ. In this way, we hope to enjoy the results of the apostolate of Jesus Christ for all eternity. Amen.
Day 22 of 365
Prayer Intentions: A heart of service to others; Those suffering in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake
Requested Intentions: Those considering or having attempted suicide (Pr. L); Those who serve the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (N); Recovery for Grandmother with broken hip (H); Recovery for Mother who had a stroke (C); Successful surgery and recovery for father (G); Safety of friend/ relief worker in Haiti (L).
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